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  • 15 Things you need to Know about Graduates Today

15 Things you need to Know about Graduates Today

Graduates are not only degree holders. They are also the potential workforce of the country. In Portugal, thousands of graduates are taking action to get their first job. Little do they know that the situation differs depending on circumstances. Here are 15 facts about the professional fate of graduates.

Education in Portugal

Portugal offers a flexible education system that provides specialties in every field. The education system in Portugal includes private and public institutes, offering recognized degrees oon European lands. Even with all the knowledge in the field, you will not have achievements in your life if you are not able to apply it in the search of your dream job. So don't be discouraged if you don't know what to do after graduation. Fratres is an international job portal dedicated to your professional development, learning new tools, and connecting with the right people. Sign up to Fratres as your opportunity is yet to come.

1.Legalize your Degree:


 This is an important step after obtaining the first degree. You have to register in its employment agencies and send a legalized format to apply for further studies such as MA degree, PhD. You can also digitally print your degree and convert it into PDF and JPG formats to know how to present it for further applications. Take a look at; Recognition of academic diplomas

2. Internships:

Graduation doesn’t mean that your mission of learning is over. After obtaining your degree, you can go through another practical level called internship. Internships are academic training that can be paid if you are part of the medical field, partially paid, or non financed. You can also apply for internships overseas in cases of opting for a foreign experience.

3. Further Studies and Qualifications:

Further studies can be a possible option that graduates consider, especially if they want to pursue a career in advanced education. Some universities put an age limit for MA candidacy, while applying to another degree is still possible at any time. There is another possibility that the student may obtain a scholarship for financing extra studies.

4. Following Updated Skills:

Do you know that degrees are like passports; they don’t have the same power and access to every area? If you didn’t get your first job, keep investing in your learning. The Portuguese market is already competitive, especially for those who have recently graduated. Even though it is difficult to get an-entry-level job in2022, you can try with some volunteering actions or paid internship opportunities.

5. Make a Good Job Search Strategy:


 Getting a job in Portugal requires patience and various application attempts. You can find tools that filter job offers and align the interests of contractors. First, employ the available job portals that help you narrow down your search:

-you can look for a job based on locations

-You can look for a job based on your skills

-You can look for a job based on the type of contract

6. Build a Quality Resume/ CV

Speaking of the job application needs, a CV or a resume is one of the fundamental requirements in job candidacy. Building a CV is a major challenge for recent graduates, especially if they don’t know the main tools employed in the selection process. For a graduate, it is always essential to consider the ATS software standards.

7. Writing a Cover Letter

Another challenging step for graduates is writing the cover letter that motivates recruiters to invite you for a job interview. A cover letter gets more attention than a CV, as recruiters spend more time and attention with a cover letter. So try to know how to communicate with recruiters to get a job interview.

8. Develop a Network:

A network is an essential step to be relevant in the job market. Having a network means being known by professors, recruiters, colleagues, and even master employment coaches to get notified or recommended for new opportunities. There are various ways of establishing this network be it online through job portals and professional accounts, or from previous internships and professional participations.

9. Get Additional Soft skills;

Adding to your degree which consists of your hard skills, additional competencies can help you develop Soft Skills. It is a good investment to learn additional skills that can complete your profile. For example, having fluency in English, demonstrating certificates of completion in personal development, and written communication courses, counts as an advantage.

10. Adaptability:

As a graduate, you have to learn how to adapt to the changes or updates. It is good to take on new challenges that are highly valued by the market. This quality can be developed with training, interpersonal intelligence and personal development.

11. Learn about the Different Contracts:

 It is very important to know about Portuguese contracts. Knowing the contract's differences can help you choose your career and stick to the professional commitments written there.

12. Know How to Sell Yourself:

A Graduate should know how to negotiate a job. Despite the absence of prior experience, you can justify your hiring by showing that you have a differentiated professional profile, with potential for growth and innovation.

13. Get ready for the Probation Period:


Sometimes, it is less motivating to work for free. But, a probation period is an enriching phase that leads to recruitment. Showing good work ethics can also generate referrals to partners or interest from top companies.

14. Keep up to Date in your Field

After graduation, you will compete with experienced professionals who were already in the field. But that doesn’t mean to keep the classic mentality of following predecessors. Research the market, see what the professional trends and needs are. From there, you can land on a better career and develop your professional situation fast.

15. Never give up:

Although it is a bit difficult to land your first job as a fresh graduate, you should not lose the spirit of landing your dream job. Do not give up searching for a job that meets your skills and potential goals.

 Being a fresh graduate is always a challenge to cope with the professional situation in Portugal. Some specialties are in shortage. They recruit faster than others. That’s why getting a job requires constant learning and patience.


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