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  • 15 Top Reasons Why You Face Obstacles In Learning Career Development.

15 Top Reasons Why You Face Obstacles In Learning Career Development.

What makes career development so hard for you? Why do you risk ending up in a stagnant position? Do you want to evolve in your work life but the process seems hard for you? If you are asking these questions frequently, this means that you are not satisfied with your current professional situation. Career development in a set of targets and strategies helping applicants move towards a better profession. Here are the reasons why you are meeting obstacles standing between you and your dream job title.

Why Do you Facing Obstacles in Career Development:

obstacles for career development

In Norway, the majority of professions have a linear aspect. Some jobs are based on repetitive tasks, in-chain work, and non fundamental skills. Others are promising a bright future by opening the path towards better career prospects. If you are a graduate or a working person, you should consider career development and ways to escalate towards better achievements. Besides having the curiosity to benefit from new skills, learning about career development depends on many plans.

-You are looking for promotions

-you want a pay raise with a well established pension

-You are looking for making more achievements on your professional level

-You are looking to obtain better job titles

There are countless reasons for career development. Each person has his/ her own methods to escalate in their career. But certain factors make this plan a bit harder for some employees. Check out the top 15 career development obstacles that you might face in your work life. You can sign up to Fratres for similar professional articles and career advice. Fratres is also a job portal that lists the recent professions in your target destination.


Although qualifications are valued in Norway, not all degrees have the same impact in the job market. Some professions are dying out such as computability, human sciences, and travel and tourism degrees. Being overqualified can affect your career prospects as experience is more required in recruiting. That’s why overqualified applicants find it hard to get an entry-level job in Norway as they did have the expected experience.

2. Lack of Life-work Balance:

work life balance

Employees who cannot reconcile between life and work cannot reach the level of career development plan. Although there are certain benefits and strategies to improve the work-life balance in Norway, having less commitment at work affects the development process. Here is What’s It Like to Work in Norway?

3. Poor Management:

Successful management is the key to career development. Having less management skills can affect your performance including your plans for development.

4. Procrastination:

This is one of the reasons for making the possibility of career development a bit complicated. Various employees in Norway lose interest in the daily tasks and start procrastinating. This bad habit can also affect career progression.

5.Missing the Periodic Meetings:

 Various companies set their new strategies and plans in a periodic meeting. Some employees may not know the importance of these meetings over their career development.  You may also read; Understand Interviews Before You Regret.

6. Losing Fundamental Skills:

Career breaks and staying out of practice can affect the set of skills that employees or applicants have. It is not hard to restore them, as long as the Norwegian agencies are providing training programs to overcome this lack.

7. The Separation from Collaborators:

Individual work is not a guarantee for achieving career development. Having fewer tendencies to participate in teamwork is also an obstacle for career development. Teamwork helps applicants learn new skills and expand a professional network, including gaining positive reviews and recommendations for further positions.

8. Warnings and terminations:

 A fired employee has lesser chances to prove eligibility for better positions. There is always a question mark for applicants with previously negative reviews. Although it is possible for a fired employee to get a new job in Norway, the possibility of career progression can be challenging under termination and warning reports.

9. Lack of Productivity and Average Performance:

Employment in Norway is more focused on results and performance. Those who rose through the ranks did not wait for promotions. They usually multiply the efforts and look for ways to shift in career and lead a progressive career path.Why Are Young People So Obsessed With Getting Started?

10. Lack of Adaptability:

 Some professions are flexible in Norway. Others require a changing schedule, alternate work and attendance in holidays. Lacking adaptability to the sudden changes can stand between you and career development. It is very essential to focus on the requirements and get used to the changes.

11. Not Understanding the Hierarchy

Knowing the different ranks within the industries facilitates career progression. Understanding the professional hierarchies help entry-level applicants move towards better professional opportunities is it on their work or in another field. Take a look at; the Work Culture in Norway

12. Having no Professional Ties

Maintaining friendly relationships with various professional sides can greatly increase your commitment to our work. Professional ties at work can make the professional experience more pleasant and interesting. On the other hand, having no friends at work can affect the possibility for career development as no one can help in the transition.

13. Extended Career Break:

Returning to work after the pandemic has created a lot of difficulties to restore the daily responsibilities. Although remote work is available in Norway, various institutions insist on attendance to work. There are also various fields that do not tolerate extended career breaks and don't grant the return of veteran employees after being out of practice.

14.  Making a Bad Career Choice:

making a bad career choice

Career development starts by taking the right career decision. Choosing a job that has fewer merits in the upcoming future or tough requirements for career progressions cannot culminate in the expected results. According to experts, making better decisions aligns with long-term plans and goals. Take a look at; How To Leave a CV Without Being Noticed?

15. Not Having Future Prospects:

Applicants with lesser career motives cannot plan for development. The question of what to do and where to be in the upcoming years creates a type of future revelation to professional plans.

These were the top 15 obstacles to career development. They include troubles related to the professional environment and to the applicant's experiences.


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