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  • 6 Must Have Front end development skills to Apply for Web Developer Jobs in Pakistan

6 Must Have Front end development skills to Apply for Web Developer Jobs in Pakistan

The world follows the trend of technology and offers fast service. For this matter, web development is an exciting field, based on creating websites of different types. In this article, I will tell you everything you need to know about careers in web development, precisely an IT  job in Pakistan. First, you need to know what is front end web development and what are the skills required for this position.

What is Front end development?

Front end development is also known as front end web development. The field in question is based on making web designs and applying them on the web. Companies around the world recruit Front-end developers, therefore there are tons of front end developer advanced and entry-level jobs in Pakistan. 

Let's check what a front end developer does. 

Every person who is behind Web development can be labeled as a front end developer. This can be defined as a person whose job is to create web designs. This person should be professional at coding, a computer programing language that includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

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Also, a front end developer differs from a back end developer whose job is concerned with the database.

In other words, a front-end developer is a programmer that codes the front end of a website. He can also convert website design files into codes like HTML, JavaScript (JS) and CSS code. This includes :

  • the basic website design/layout
  • images
  • content
  •  buttons
  • navigation
  •  internal links

Within the excessive demand of websites, there is a huge need for hiring front end developers as engineers or front end programmers. 

Explore 6 Basic Front end developer skills

Let's find out what are the skills of front end developer.

There are different levels of the position, depending on the kind of website to design. For example, if you are a beginner in coding, but you know at least the basics of HTML, CSS & JavaScript, you can get a website project online. There are tons of entry-level web developer jobs in Pakistan and other countries across the world.

Learn Other Concepts of Programming such as OOP, Jquery and mySQL. If you are going to apply for a programming job then here are some advanced programming interview questions and answers which will offer you a helping hand.

However, if you want to be hired by a specific company, your skills should be more than self-learning and should be equipped with a degree in programming. Whatever was the nature of the front end developer application, you should know the essential skills that you have to master before you apply for the job of a web developer in Pakistan after posting your CV.

1. Coding:



Front end developer skills are based on coding. There are three primary coding languages that web designers use, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. We will define each language for you.

HTML is an acronym for HyperText Markup Language (HTML). It is considered as the basic building block of any website. It is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. However, HTML is not a programming language, even though some developers consider it so.

HTML is used to structure the content of a web page, like adding images. It is also used to enclose or wrap different parts of your content so that it appears in a specific designed way, and without HTML, your text would appear unformatted on screen.

CSS is the short version of Cascading Style Sheets. It is used for the presentation of documents previously created in HTML. It provides accessibility and other functionalities that help to manipulate page layouts, colors, and many tools. Front end developer learns this kind of coding. 

P.S: mastering, both HTML and CSS languages, enables you to build basic websites.

JavaScript is also known as ECMAScript, or as JS in a concise formula. It is a programming language that allows interaction between web pages. It plays a massive part in building web applications, as it allows adding more functionalities. JavaScript is used to create and control elements like maps, interactive films or forums, and online games. It is also a popular programming language, well supported by web browsers. 

These three languages are essential skills for a hirable front end developer.

2. Gits

This tool is a version control system used for tracking changes made in codes in a software development process. Through this means, programmers can collaborate on projects in a lesser period. For the hiring of a front-end developer, the basic knowledge of git is sometimes required. 

3. Responsive Design

After mastering the three coding languages HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you are supposed to be able to build a responsive design, applicable in small gadgets like smartphones and tablets. The majority of people access to applications or websites from a mobile device. Therefore, one of the front end developer skills is the ability of coding for small screen sizes.

4. Test-Driven Development

One of the front end developer skills is writing testable codes. This is also possible for junior developers as well. It is essential for a web developer, in general, to know how a test has driven process works. These tests can take various forms (end-to-end, unit, and integration) tests.

5. JavaScript Library/ Framework

For a front-end developer, learning JavaScript is a must, as it provides website designs better than basic versions. However, learning the JavaScript framework or library would increase your chances of getting a job. They include features like Angular, React, Vue Js, and Svelte. Many front end developers get confused about which framework or library to learn first.

However, for senior developers, the choice is based on the location you currently live in. For example, in the United States and Canada, React is very popular. In other Asian countries, most companies make use of Angular. So, if you are from Asian countries, learn angular first. But, if you want to work on an international level, try to master popular JavaScript frameworks that are required in the US.

6. Basic knowledge of Server Side Rendering/Scripting

A junior front-end developer is supposed to make websites that display web content without much functionality. However, a professional front-end developer is expected to know how API’s and servers work about the application being created.

You are knowing how a server-side works allow the front-end developer to build better designs in terms of code quality and enables him to be familiar with the authentication process in an application. You can find both entry-level and professional front-end developer jobs in Pakistan. In case you are ready to fly high, you can consider TOP 10 job seeker websites where you can locate tasks that you can do right from your home. 


Applying as a front-end developer requires many skills. First of all, you need to master coding. Knowing at least two of them, such as HTML and CSS, enables you to design an essential website. However, the field requires more professional skills. The more you learn as a developer, the more projects you can manage, and the more professional you become. This article offers a list of the skills to become a front end developer that can put them on your resume or mention them in your interview.

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