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  • A list of Jobs That Involve Working With Kids

A list of Jobs That Involve Working With Kids


Do you like working with children? It’s indeed rewarding to do some jobs that help kids. Today, I’m going to share some jobs that let you work with kids. 

Elementary School Teacher

Nothing can be more amazing than contributed to a kid's learning. As an elementary school teacher, you can work with kids and enjoy their sweetness and innocence while teaching them what is essential for them too. Here are some best jobs for former teachers.

The average hourly salary for a School Elementary Teacher is $20.

School Bus Driver

If you don’t have a degree and are looking for a job that involves kids, then you should work as a school bus driver. You must have an excellent reputation to get this job in the community school. Your job is to take full responsibility for transporting kids from school to home and vice versa. 

Average Hourly Salary for a School Bus driver is $16. Check other jobs that pay $15 per hour.

Pediatric Dental Hygienist

If you are a person who believes in the dental health of kids, then you can try this job that involves kids. Your job doesn’t only offer the best dental treatment but also helps kids overcome their fear of injection and sitting on a dental chair. You will educate kids on how they can keep their teeth clean, and from time to time, you are going to lecture them about oral hygiene.

Average Salary Range: $75,000-$100,000

pediatric dentistry jobs with kids


Child Psychologist

It is one of the best jobs that help kids. Everyone faces some difficult times, but for kids, these times leave irreparable scars. Your job is to help a child process the trauma and deal with his life with a positive approach. From psychological assessments to cognitive therapies, your role includes some challenging tasks.

The Average Salary is $85000-$130,000.


Juvenile Justice Attorney

Are you looking for some jobs that deal with kids? You can join the criminal justice system as an attorney and let you help kids who are mistreated. 

Average Salary for an attorney is $140,000-$200,000


Child and Family Social Worker

Do you like to help society and kids? You can become a social worker where your job is to help all those kids who have some family problems or who are living with abusive and neglectful parents. Your job is to offer them a better environment to live for.

Average Salary Range : $50,000-$750,00

 Occupational Therapy Assistant 

One of the best jobs with kids to do is to become an assistant to occupational therapy. In this job, you are going to offer some treatment to kids who have cognitive and physical disabilities. You need to do some therapies that let kids learn some motor skills and do their basic functions in the best manner. You can offer a thriving playing environment for them.

Average Salary Range for an assistant is :$60,000-$80,000


Private Nanny

In America, everyone is working and has some job to do. Parents can’t stay at home and look after their kids during the day. It’s when child care people come handy. As a private nanny, you need to live with the family in their house and be ready to raise their kids. If you love kids, then it’s a job where you will establish a deep bond with kids and enjoy their sweet acts.

careers with kids

Average Salary Range of Nanny: $25000 to $35000


Social media has changed everything for everyone. Kids have become more concerned about their outlook and appearance. They love making Tiktok and Youtube Videos. To showcase the best image, they need trendy hairstyles and makeup. Therefore you can become a cosmetologist. You will give them a makeover, a new look, and hairstyles. Try to offer mobile service, if you want to earn more.

Average Salary range: $30000-$50000

Read This article that tells you why parents should let their kids to use Social Media.

Radiologic Technologist 

One of the exciting jobs that work with kids is becoming a technologist. Kids are active creatures who don’t like to stay at one place steady. So, their extreme energy and playful nature become a reason for their accidents and injury. So, when they reach your clinic, you are going to perform some scans. During those tests, you must have to interact with them.Check demand and scope of this job.

The Average Salary Range is $60000 to $80000.                    


Children like stories and adventure tales, your job as a librarian is to recommend some interesting stories that are full of knowledge and wonders. This career is quite rewarding as you give them a chance to learn new things about the world via your job.

Average Salary Range is $60000-$93000

Pediatric Registered Nurse

One of the best Careers with kids is to become a registered nurse and take care of kids. You need to offer advice alongside emotional support to kids. You will coordinate in the patient care in the best possible manner.Tips for writing a nurse job cover letter.

Average Salary Range of Pediatric Nurse is $60,000 to $150,000.

Wrap up

It is always rewarding to do some jobs that involve kids. Your caring nature and loving attitude let you help kids and make them do better in their young life.

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