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  • An Overview Of Employee Rights And Responsibilities

An Overview Of Employee Rights And Responsibilities

In an organization and company, not only employees but employers also have some rights and responsibilities.

Rights and responsibilities for employees include their health, safety, equal opportunities, and wages right and also include employment terms and policies.

Besides this, it is compulsory to know about these employee obligations and responsibilities in the workplace.

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Rights Of Employees

1. Safe Environment

The employer of the organization is responsible for providing and supervising the hazardous free environment.

He should have to put healthy systems, healthy plants, and machinery that can give them a safe environment. It should be the top priority of any organization for its employees.

Besides this, employees should also make sure that the workplace is also safe and healthy for others. And the entire emergency exits work correctly.

2. Information For The Employees

With time, the employers should have to update the safety, training, and all other information to their employees.

The employer is responsible for obeying all the terms and conditions and having to buy all the new and updated equipment and machines. It is a must for the workplace to follow all the rules related to temperature control and management.

3. Inequalities At The Workplace

The difference of right at a workplace among male and female employees is another issue. A right industry has an exemplary work environment where their employee works in an environment which is free from any harassment, abuse, and discrimination.

The employees of such industries are confident and feel free and safe while performing their daily tasks. The safe work environment is a fundamental right of employees, and every company must ensure a work environment where all employees have equal rights.

employee responsibilities to employer

4. Dressing And Activity

As everybody has its taste, so it is a way of dressing. Every individual has a different taste like some girls prefer to wear jeans and shirts while some girls prefer shalwar kameez, and some prefer a gown.

All individuals have the right to dress up according to their beliefs, traditions, and culture.

In the workplace, every firm should hand over this fundamental right to its employees so that they can dress up according to their customs. No firm should decide their dressing code.

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5. Payments

Every person who wants a job wants money. There are few cases in which a person joins some firm or institute for passion.

In a firm, every employee has a fixed salary and allowances, etc. So it is the right of every employee to get their salary according to contract.

6. Equal Opportunity

An individual joins the organization on the base of their specific skills and work experience. It is the right of every employee that he should promote to high rank on behalf of their skills and knowledge and not on behalf of their caste and skin color.

7. Holidays

It is also the right of the employee that they have access to suitable off-days like a public holiday, family holiday and festival holidays. 

8. Flexible Hours

One of the reasons for employees includes selecting their flexible hours and sharing of workload. The employee also has the right to choose an appropriate shift.

The employee should not be forced to handle the extra workload or to spend extended hours in the office. For every employee, the average hours in 17 weeks should be no higher than 48 hours.

Responsibilities of Employees

1. Uniform

Some firms have their specific dress code for their workplace. If it is, then it is the responsibility of every employee to follow that code.

2. Respect

It is the primary responsibility of every worker to deal with others with great respect. Respecting to customers, employers, and one another is one of the vast responsibilities of every employee in the organization. Because it is a critical component of every workplace for a happy environment.

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3. Performing

Performing your work with great enthusiasm and responsibility is also one of the top priorities of every employee in the organization.

The responsible employee has to realize that he should do their task in the right manner. Because it will boost work performance and ultimately led to the progress of the worker. 

employee obligations and responsibilities

4. Policies At The Workplace

In all organizations, there are some policies for privacy. It is a mandatory responsibility for employees in the business to follow them strictly. Because privacy is the thing which should be strictly respected and obeyed in any case.

5. Listening To The Boss

If the company hires you, it does not mean now you can do what you want to do. It is a must for employees to listen to their boss clearly and follow their sayings.

It is because the company hires the employees to perform their tasks; that’s why they have to listen to them.

So, it is the employee’s responsibility to the employer. Otherwise, it may lead to losing their jobs. 


From all the responsibilities mentioned above and rights, all the workers and employers must understand very well their rights and their responsibilities

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