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An Ultimate Guide to a Creative CV

Every field has a specific demand and requirement regarding CV and portfolio. If you apply in the healthcare industry, a standard CV is a good match. The whole scenario shifts quickly when you use it in the Fashion industry or for a graphic designing job role. An applicant doesn't stand any chance there with a classic CV, and he needs to craft a mind-blowing creative CV. Now, if it's your first time with the concept of a creative CV, you will have a lot of questions in mind, such as:

What is a Creative CV? What to Include in it? And other questions. Today, I plan to unlock a full-fledged guide that will answer all your queries and help you stand out from the crowd.

creative cv examples templates

What is a Creative CV?

It is a kind of CV in which you emphasize more on creative aspects such as color palettes , design, layout, and other features. Instead of following a standard format of CV, you come up with something new and unique. The idea is to blend your creativity in your resume in a way that the employer gets an idea about your experience, skills, history, and other aspects. At the same time, he also enjoys your level of creativity

When it comes to crafting this CV, you have endless options. You can be as imaginative as you can. If you want to change the background of your CV, go for it. Set up a picture, or play with graphics. For example, a graphic designer knows how to impress people with visuals and graphics. He has to do the same thing when composing a resume for getting a job.

When You Need a Creative CV?

As I told you before, not every job require this much effort from your side. There are specific fields where you should consider submitting this kind of resume.  Here are some typical jobs where employers expect you to show them your creative side, such as animators, graphic designers, fashion designers, concept artists, web designers, illustrators, game artists, video editors, etc.

As you can see, all these roles are different from other jobs. Employers want to hire only the best. Even when they don't ask for a creative CV specifically in an advertisement, you need to send them. It's a way of setting a good impression and trying to get instant attention from your prospective employer. Other industries where you should submit this kind of CV are advertising, media, and publications.

What are Different Examples of Creative CV?

A creative CV takes many different forms. It's totally up to you what kind of style you want to embrace for your resume.

  • If you are a video creator, create a short video CV to tell your clients all about your expertise.
  • Another idea is to change the complete style of written documents using various design elements such as infographics, illustrations, and graphics. 
  • One of the best and impactful ideas is to make a personal website and then highlight all your details like your social media accounts, portfolio, and career aspects.
  • Many applicants make the most of comic strips, board games, and QR codes. 

In simple words, you can craft this CV in a wide variety of styles and formats. You know that Dubai's Fashion and media industry is quite advanced. It would be best to explore creative CV examples online to know the whole idea of primary and then use your imagination and skills to develop a better resume.

Do I need to Submit a Creative CV?

If you are unsure whether your industry requires a creative CV or not, then you have to do a bit of research. In the media and fashion industry, employers expect this kind of CV.  It's good to ask around or get help from the hiring manager. They won't mind telling you whether they expect a creative CV or not.

However, if you don't do research and send a creative CV while it's not a norm in an employer company, then you may face some issues. Many employers use Application Tracking System ATS software. It has a special format to extract details from a standard CV. If an employer uses this system and sends him a creative CV, your application will be of no use. It's because the system won't detect the information quickly as you didn't follow the standard format.

No need to fret, though. Either ask a hiring manager or do research to find out whether your specific industry or a company requires this kind of CV or not.

What are the benefits of a Creative CV?

Now you have got an idea of what a creative CV is and different ways to craft it. You may wonder what are the different benefits of this resume. Let me explain some benefits one by one.

Skill Demonstration

A standard CV only highlights what you have done so far. A creative CV is desirable in a way that it explains to employers all about skills and expertise. After looking at layout, design, and style, he would get a better idea of your artistic skills. 

Handling the Competition

These days, one job has hundreds of applicants. This competition is fierce all over the world, not only in UAE or Dubai. When it comes to beating the competition and raising your voice among the masses, you need to do something different and unique. It's a point where a creative CV serves the main purpose. You can turn the table to other candidates by showing your creative side and come up with an out-of-box idea.

Portraying Yourself as a Good-Fit

Every recruiter hunts for a good fit for the company. The purpose of the whole recruitment process is to find a person who can handle the job. In creative industries, employers like to hire talented people. They can identify this talent quickly from a creative CV. So, it becomes easy for them to hire a good fit for their company.


Tips to Keep in Mind While Writing a Creative CV

Here are some tips that help you craft the best creative CV.

Study Your Client 

Before you start designing your CV, it's always good to study your client or company. It is not that hard nowadays. You can extract tons of details about the company from their social media and official accounts in a matter of seconds. Once you know a bit about the company and what style they prefer, it becomes easy to choose a design that aligns with their preference. In simple words, knowing your audience helps you convey your message in a language they can understand.

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Design it Carefully

As I mentioned before, you will demonstrate your skills and expertise through this CV. However, you need to design it in a very careful manner. Choose warm and welcoming color palettes and go with an interesting layout.  Don't go very bold with graphics and design. 

examples of creative cv designs

You need to try different design elements such as infographics, typography, icons, images, etc. The more authentic design you add will speak highly of your passion and commitment to work. A standard design with no effort from your side tell the employer that you are not ready to put all the effort into the work. So, it would help if you think strategically.


Content is Important

No matter how many design elements you add to your CV, nothing is more important than content. It means adding vital details like your personal contact, phone number, address, or social media account information. Your work history and achievements also matter. 

Keep it Functional

The first purpose of a creative CV is to force an employer to praise your design skill, but the very second purpose is to make him think of your skills and talent. Yes, the overall design is essential, but what is more important is the functional elements of the CV.

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In other words, you will mention your work history, skills, and experience in a good format. Many people commit a mistake. They design it all while skipping vital work details. You won't have to do that. Always keep functional and style elements side by side. 

Portfolio is Important

You will add a link to your portfolio in your creative CV. No matter how artistic you become with your CV, your portfolio still matters. If you think you can cover up a weak portfolio with an impressive resume, you are mistaken. It's not that easy.

An employer is interested in your portfolio and real work. If you are a fashion designer, you must have tons of examples of your work in the portfolio. Crafting a good CV while adding nothing to your portfolio will help you land nowhere in the industry. 

Don't spend too many days on a creative CV. Give it a good time but also keep updating your portfolio.

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If you want to add comfort to your employer's life, please add a portfolio PDF file. So, he can access it anywhere (online or offline).



A creative CV is indeed your best shot to get your employer's attention and beat the competition. When it comes to crafting this CV, start by looking into various examples and then prepare your own CV. Make sure you keep a perfect balance of functional and design elements as the employer wants to see both sides before he makes his mind whether he should hire you for a specific position or not. Also, add details of your portfolio in a creative CV so a recruiter can have a 360 view of your expertise and skills. This addition lets him check it all from one place, and he can easily decide when to call for you an interview. 


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