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  • Apprenticeship is a Cost-Effective Job Training Program Lead to Handsome Salary

Apprenticeship is a Cost-Effective Job Training Program Lead to Handsome Salary

Everyone has a dream job in mind or a dream company where he wants to work. People who are in the tech-field always desire to work at IBM, while those who are in the social work arena desire to join UNICEF or WHO.

 benefits of apprenticeship workers

Take a Short Route to your Dream Career 

Question is how they can land at those sophisticated organizations. Even when you get a college degree, you have a long way to go. The short-cut comes in the form of an apprenticeship program.

Once you complete your graduation and university program, the next step is to either go for an internship or apprenticeship. There is a difference between internship and apprenticeship. Both bring some plus and negative aspects.

Once you join this program, you don’t have to do much. Usually, you complete your 40 hours per week timeline and then take regular or bi-weekly classes. The purpose is to learn the trade while covering all theoretical aspects side by side.

Cost-Effective Job Training Program

College fees aren’t affordable for everyone. You can’t get a scholarship. It would be best if you had to look for another way that doesn’t burden you with college debt. Students who enroll themselves in college often skip it due to expenses involved in the process.

Those who stay know very well that they must have to pay the debt for years even when they complete their studies. All those aspects push them to find a way out, which is available in the form of apprenticeship programs.

Although not every industry offers an apprenticeship offer to the students, most of them launch a five-year program. The average wage rate of an apprentice is $15 per hour.

Check other jobs in the USA that offer $15 per hour.

Taking a Step Toward Handsome Salary

If, at one point, the apprenticeship program keeps students away from debts, then at another location, it leaves them with a handsome salary package. Apprentices can earn almost 60 percent of the average salary from the third year, and in the final year, they can expect to receive nearly 80 percent of the average job salary.

Once the learning period is over, they don’t have to do much as the host company is already putting a job offer on the table. All you need to do is to write a cover letter and tell them why they should hire you. 

What If you don’t want to join the host company after the apprenticeship period is over? You can enter another company as you have portable knowledge. You get job training that is quite useful in the industry. You can join the competitors of the host company, and it’s up to you.

Common Sectors that Offer Apprenticeship  Programs

The skill trades industry puts a wide variety of apprenticeship programs. For example, plumbing, steam fitting, and similar trades require extensive knowledge and experience before you start making money from it. People with a high-school degree can apply for those skilled trades and expect to earn a handsome salary after program completion. apprenticeship program how to search

Check other jobs you can do with a high-school diploma.

The Healthcare Sector also opens up doors for apprentices; all you need to do is to search for the opportunity. Pharmacy technicians can easily find an opening. This modern learning lets you hand on a job you always wanted while preparing you for every aspect of the situation.

Technology Sector is the major donor of opportunity. You can find apprenticeships related to cybersecurity, cloud, networking, and other IT skills. Technology department training always pays off high returns, and it doesn’t matter what department you are working on. The demand for tech nerds is quite high.

Is there any age-limit for enrollment in the program?

The Skill-trade program usually has no age limit, both adults and teenagers can join them. But you must have to read all the requirements before applying for it. However, some other programs come with age-limit as they are meant to help only students.

How to Find Apprenticeship Programs?

There are many different ways to find them.

Get Help From School - Teenagers or school-going people can get help from their school educational counselor, career coach, or technical education instructor. These experts always have some opportunities that you can make the most of.

Check Fratres.net - If you are looking for the easiest way to land on the best apprenticeship program, then you should head straight to http://us.fratres.net. It is a job search engine around the world that highlights jobs and apprenticeship programs. 

Finding an apprenticeship offer through Fratres is pretty simple. You can explore both entry-level and high-end opportunities through it.

Online Help - You can search the name of the company on google by typing like that

Company name plus “apprenticeship,” and it will let you find a program that you might be interested in.

Wrap Up

Apprenticeship is a cost-effective job training program that doesn’t require you to pay anything from your pocket. Once you complete this program, you can expect to earn a good salary. You can land on your dream job apprenticeship; all you need to do is to do a thorough search.

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