Five Facts You Never Knew About Career Development.

Career development is one of the aspects of career progression. To get a professional promotion, you have to show your ability to take on new responsibilities. Success doesn’t mean staying in the same position for years. It means creating a professional plan that helps you develop your career path. Here are the best guidelines to make professional achievements in Moldova.

Career Development:

career development

Career development opportunities depend on the field and the professional sector. Some promotions are automatic through time. Others depend on certain conditions. As an employee, you should consider the best tips to boost your career and achieve the success you deserve.

Do you master your missions and you want to evolve? If you have been working in the same company for several years and if you are performing well at work, there is no reason that a career development should not arise. After being through certain professional phases, professional promotion is a decisive step in the career. How to develop your current professional situation? Fratres answers all your questions. Sign up to Fratres for more updates.

When is the right time to plan for career development?

The right moment to develop your professional situation depends on your personal motives, or from a professional opportunity related to your field of expertise and qualification. You may want to develop professionally when your position does not suit you, or because you want to bring a new life into your professional life. For example, your performance at work is declining. Due to your lack of motivation, you want to change teams, work with other people, complete your skills, take on more responsibilities, negotiate a salary increase, etc. The simplest solution to ask for a promotion is to take advantage of your individual assessment interview. It is expected that the employee will mention his career wishes, so it will not be out of place to address the issue when you review your skills with your superior. You may also read; The Cheapest Way To Earn Your Free Ticket To Interviews.

Here are five tips for career development in Moldova:

1.Internal Candidacy

internal candidacy

Internal mobility can be horizontal, but also vertical. Thus, if you are not satisfied with your job, you can ask to change positions. Although a career change is not an easy process in Moldova, you need to consider professional retraining first. This retraining will help you analyze your situation. 

2. Wait for Professional Circumstances Supporting career Development

Career Development often results from the motivation, seniority and good results of an employee. It can also occur to meet the immediate needs of the organization. You can thus judge the favorable circumstances to obtain a promotion within your company and want to seize this professional opportunity to boost your career. For example, when the company's results are good, your employer is expanding its activities or setting up a new work team. One of your superiors is going to retire or change jobs, you know that your employer has planned to open a new establishment, etc.

If the situation of your company makes you think that a promotion would be possible, start by drawing the charts of your career development. Promotion frequently involves a change in your working conditions and as such a modification of the employment contract, check that you are sufficiently available, professionally and personally, to take on new responsibilities and take on more work.

3.Set your Requests

Before asking for a promotion, take the time to think carefully about what you are going to offer and the arguments you need to make. Prepare carefully for your meeting with your manager. Present a clear and coherent professional project to your employer. You must be able to explain to him, beyond the promotion you want to obtain, what will be your new functions and their usefulness for the company. Example: you can aim for a position different from your current position, or wish to keep your position but enrich and develop your missions, with more responsibilities and a salary increase.

If you are not waiting for your annual interview, choose an appropriate time to ask your superiors: you have just been congratulated, the return to calm has returned after a busy period during which you have been able to prove yourself, the company will open a new department, etc. 

4. Support your promotion request with concrete examples

skills required for career development

Career development relies on your results and your motivation. It also reveals that you are aware of the skills required and the challenges of the position sought. Specify that you would be willing to take training if this is necessary for the position in question. The main thing is to show that your request is not spontaneous, and that you have seriously thought about it. Take a look at; .5 Cover Letter Tips That Will Actually Make Your Life Better.

5. Benefit from your Professional Network:

As long as your work gives them satisfaction, it is possible that your employer will offer you a promotion. This is obviously a more comfortable situation. If you'd rather have the offer made to you because the idea of asking for a promotion bothers you, here are some handy tips:

-Maintain efficient work and good results over the long term. If an incident arises, discuss it with your manager, show that you know how to take your mistakes into account and rectify the situation. 

-Come up with new ideas, better organization, prepare for a meeting, take on a presentation, etc. The goal is to highlight your interest and motivation.

-If you have the opportunity, take on extra work or help certain colleagues, show that you know how to make yourself useful, and that you can be versatile.

-Be sure to invest yourself in the life of the company: be present at the starting drinks, at company evenings. Take a look at; 5 Cover Letter Tips That Will Actually Make Your Life Better.

-Take care of your relationships with your colleagues and with all the employees you work with: to be a manager or to climb in rank, certain interpersonal skills are required, and in particular the fact of knowing how to communicate well.

These were the top 5 essentials for career development in Moldova. Career development is not limited to pay raises. It rather includes all the possibilities of changing your professional situation into the best career choice.


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