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How to be a Great Manager? Follow 8 Tips

Whether you are an aspiring manager and struggling, you need to know how to become a great one. We all want to excel in our career ladder. We don't want to be better but try to become "The Great."

If you have landed a management position, you should know that it takes a lot of work, effort, and practice to become a great manager. You can't become one overnight. Every one of us has to deal with different kinds of employees (both good and bad ones). So, we have a lot on our plates. There is a need to work on our management skills over time. 

In case you are wondering how you can become a manager. I guess I have some helpful tips that will help you achieve this goal. Let's get started.

1.Be a Motivator

Your employee will look at you when a problem comes or when a task is too hard to accomplish. At that time, you will become their motivator. Tell them, "You can do anything, or You come so far all alone. This new task is nothing." 

Being a motivator, you will earn respect in the eyes of your employee. They might have doubts about your skills and feel like giving up. When you motivate them, they will do what they otherwise think is hard for them or they can't do.

After completing this task, they will thank you. And this motivation lets you achieve company goals. Isn't that a win-win?

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2.Work on Your Communication Skills

People think communication is all about speaking up, giving a speech, or talking confidently in public. Well, it's half true; another half is you need to listen as well.

In simple words, one part is to talk while another part is to listen. Many new managers make a mistake, and they act like commanders "Do this, Do that." Well, this kind of approach won't take you anywhere.

You should listen completely. If your employees have some concerns, sit with them and ask them how they feel and what they want. This 80 percent listening lets you take a step toward employee well-being.

3. Earn Trust

You can be a manager who has some favorite child in the department. Favoritism and nepotism are the death of your career as a manager. You can't grow unless your team trusts you. If some employees vote for you and others against you, it's a failure.

You can't make everyone happy, but you must have the majority at your side. One or two percent of critics are expected in the workplace.

How can you earn trust? Well, if there is a conflict, you should remain unbiased. Taking sides and not doing justice make people lose faith in you.

On the flip side, when you do whatever it takes to differentiate wrong from right, people will stand by your side. 

Next time, if people have concerns or conflicts, they know that if they come to you, then you provide them a better solution. 

4.Make Friends at Work

how to be the great leader at work

Being Cold and rude at the workplace is a common management style. People prefer to look on the other side when you come around, just because you are bossy. This kind of style must be revolutionized, and it has changed a lot in the last decade.

Your employees can be your friends, but yes, you need to define a limit. Being friendly is good, but only at a personal level. They should know that you are serious about work at a professional level and you will never compromise on work quality. 

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A manager can be a part of an employee's party, but maintaining good distance is required again. Now you need to learn how to be a friend of your employee so they can come to you for help while staying manager at work.

5.Organization Skills is a Must

Every project has some deadline. Completing work at the right time is crucial for ultimate success. For example, if you are a finance manager, then it's your responsibility that the team completes financial statements before year closing. Imagine if they don't tally and complete work on time. IT will be a disaster, which you won't like to face.

If you want to become the best manager, you must plan ahead of time. Without proper organization skills, you find it a challenge to complete tasks on time. You need to plan everything in a manner that your project never crosses deadlines.

Check: 14 Best Jobs for Organized People

6. Act Like a Leader

how to be a good manager at work become a leader

You are not just a manager but also a leader at the workplace. It means you will set some clear direction and goals for your team. As a manager, you know about company goals. Your team needs to contribute to these goals. 

Now as a leader and manager, you will set achievable goals for every team member. You will set an example by working on these goals, and your followers, aka employees, will follow the same route. 

7.Improve Yourself

You are a human being who has strengths and weaknesses. If you know what is your weakness is, then try to improve it. You can become a great manager only when you work on your negative and positive sides. 

If you are not good at some aspects, such as written communication, it's not a big deal. Tons of online courses and classes are there to help you do better. All you need to do is to enroll yourself.

8. Focus on Positive Sides

Don't be a critical manager who emphasizes only negative aspects. Try to focus more on the hard work aspects of your employee. They might not have done it all right, but somehow they tried. Acknowledge their hard work and effort. You will be surprised to see how well they perform after positive feedback and acknowledgement.

Wrap up

Every department has its own set of rules, but I shared some helpful tips for almost every manager. They are generic, but once you develop these management skills, they help you do better at work and set your foot quickly on the top management floor.


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