How to Become a Front End Developer in Pakistan in 9 Easy Steps

A front end developer is a programming career based on designing websites through mastering different coding languages. This job consists of the accuracy of the website’s visual front, which must share the same visibility in various computing devices or mobile Web browsers. This article gives the fundamental tips of becoming a web developer in Pakistan. 

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Like many other countries, web design is an essential part of the technical field. It is also in continuous demand in the hiring process.

Entry-level web developer

 After achieving software engineering degree, you probably consider among the web developer entry-level. A person who can have access to software companies, website based professions, etc.. 

Step No.1 Promoting yourself as a web developer:

In this step, you should have a portfolio that can engage you in the hiring process. Employers usually consider a collection full of relevant work. Therefore, build a portfolio site that reflects your skills and personal brands. You can also code a website and launch it.

Don’t worry if your portfolio sounds like a tech beginner. The essential thing is that you have the basics of web design. You can also include samples of your web design projects if there were not made under confidential assignments.




Step No.2 Freelancing

In Pakistan, there are many websites for freelance projects. Being active in a freelance platform provides many advantages such as, working with foreign clients, getting experience, enhancing different skills and establishing good reviews about working and collaborating with you. 

Step No.3 Coding for popular platforms:

For a developer, coding is the main job to do. In this network, many coding platforms provide a coding exposition to many developers.

Github is one of the leading coding platforms that many companies positively approve Github activities. So the first thing you need to do is to create a Github account. Then make regular coding contributions. Such action would bring positive impressions on your application.

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Step No.4 Contribution to Open source projects:

Open source projects are employed for publicly available source coding that can be modified by any developer. There is a wide range of open-source contribution projects such as Ruby and Rails, Linux, MySQL, and many other JavaScript frameworks. Contributing to such open-source projects in Pakistan would enable you to get team projects and maintain good ties with other developers. 

Step No.5 Web developer courses

Web developer courses in Pakistan depend on the skills you want to have as a future front end developer. Many Web development institutes in Lahore enables you to become a certified Web developer. If you can not attend these classes, you can get online education and training for front end development from several supervisors. For example, you can choose your targeted coding skills, from the available online offers.

You can also shift from one field to another. You can, for example, change from professional website designing into WordPress designing course or gaming development course. All these teachings might enable you to deal with a team of coders that can enlarge your skills to impress web development agencies and hiring managers.

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Step No.6 Following the tech industry Trends 

For a developer, it is essential to keep an eye on the tech industry. You need to explore the new brands and the latest programming tips from any source. Subscribe to YouTube channels or social media sources that offer high tech news. It’s not a problem if these devices are not yet available in your country right now. But as a developer, you have to get a pre-knowledge of the industry, before it reaches your market.

Step No.7 Learning new Web Development skills regularly

Adding to your contribution to open source projects, you have to keep learning and training. Look at the missing web developer skills that you don’t have and try to master them. For example, get knowledge about the different JavaScript frameworks that do not exist in your country. Widen your experience so that you can be in demand for international projects.



Step No.8 Participating in E-commerce platforms and content management system:

The majority of websites are built upon a content management system (CMS). E-commerce platforms go under a specific type of CMS. E-commerce is a very assigned project for online trading. However, on a global level, WordPress is considered a popular CMS because it is behind thousands of websites. Therefore, you should be at least a WordPress expert to convert it in the companies required niche.

Step No. 9 Testing and Debugging




Developers usually know that bugs happen. As a result, the process of Debugging is essential. Debugging consists of taking away all the flaws (errors). However, unit testing is more vital in providing instructions that grant the working of any website.

Unit testing depends on the programming language. That’s why you have many types of testing. For example, UI testing, acceptance testing, browser testing or functional testing enables you to check whether the website behaves as it should or not. Companies, in this respect, look for someone who can write tests and delete bugs (errors) so that their website can offer the best function and operates quickly.


Know All About Web developer salary Pakistan

Web Developer Salary in Pakistan depends on the company that hires you or on the projects you take. Although the salary varies from one web developer Pakistan to another, the average salary for a Web Developer is Rs 28,612 per month or can even reach Rs 471,665. There are countless advanced entry-level Front end developer jobs in Pakistan.

Wrap Up

These were the fundamental requirements of a front end developer job in Karachi.


  • Adding to coding skills, you need to add some features to your resume and prepare a well-established portfolio.

  •  Moreover, freelancing and online collaboration can be considered as a key to the official application.

  •  So never miss the opportunity of getting these tasks. Besides, pay attention to the company requirements and provide sample designs offering the same functions, with different operations.

  •  Finally, keep an eye on the industry’s innovations and try to make your local version of the application. For example, as you know Tune. Pk is the Pakistani version of YouTube. You can do the same with other programs or applications. 

  • Always try to target local job board first,  Pakistani companies are trying to dispense with external devices by offering similar services with their version. So train yourself to provide similar tools for them.


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