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How to Make Your CV Stronger to Increase Chances of Winning a Job

Your CV is a magnet that will attract the attention of your employer toward your skillset. If you have embarked on a job search journey, your luggage must have a strong CV. Without it, you won't be able to get a job in Dubai or other UAE places. No matter where you will go, employers will ask about your resume.

You already know that you will face fierce competition in the job market. Tons of people are applying for the same job. So, sending your application with a bland CV means getting nowhere. 

Updated CV is a Must

There was a time when I got referred by my friend in the company. I sent a CV and got rejected. I was surprised why it happened. I had all the skills and experience they wanted. So, I approached the recruiter and asked him what I did wrong. 

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He was such a good person; he told me right away what my mistake was. He said, I got impressed with your work experience and education. The reason why I didn't consider you are because your CV was too outdated. We thought that you created it once you started your career and never edited it back. It was a bad impression. I felt bad and learned a lesson.

The lesson is always to update a CV. It's not that you need to craft it well with the latest work update but also to use the latest CV format, so recruiters won't reject your CV on the grounds that it's old and never updated.

Relevancy is a Key

Your CV should be relevant to a job you apply for. Your skills, experience, and education should be well-refined. If you send any CV and don't match your skills and job experience with the requirement, it's like throwing darts on the target randomly without focusing. It will be your luck if dark tagged on the target and chances are slim. 

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We are talking about your career here. You shouldn't be careless when crafting a CV. Try to be a little bit more concerned and dedicated.

If you want to get a job fast in Dubai, please focus on your CV. Please spend some time on it. Read the job carefully. Highlight key skills and then add them to your resume. Employers use ATS to check your resume. So, when certain keywords match, your CV will be shortlisted and it's how you will get your first interview call.

The secret sauce to becoming successful in job search is to pay attention to little things. Can't you do that?

Avoid Repeating Yourself

You need to structure your CV in the best manner. Make sure that this CV doesn't add too many details. A strong CV is one that has relevant and straightforward details. Generally, people repeat themselves too much in their resumes. It's a mistake you should avoid. 

You can brag about yourself, but redundancy should be avoided at any cost.

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Try to Attract Attention

You will have only 10 seconds to capture the attention. It’s good to keep education at last and try to engage your employer with skills and other details. Add those details that make your CV different from others. Everyone has a Master’s degree, but no one worked in an accountancy firm before as a volunteer or did the taxation for a small firm. The idea is to tell the employer how you were different from others.


Focus on your achievements

Employers will be interested to know what you have achieved in your life. Maybe you have achieved a lot, but you can't add all the details to this resume. The main idea is to match the achievements that matter the most. 

The purpose of sharing details of achievement is to tell the company that you will add value to their company. You will bring something that helps the company meet the goal. 

As you are going to give highlights of achievements, you should use some statistics to demonstrate how well you performed in the past. Write what you have achieved in the last five years or the percentage of cost-cutting and revenue you brought in the previous project.

achievements for jobs

No matter what kind of project it is, you can proudly present it if you made a difference with your skills.

Wrap Up

I have shared some ideas that help you make a strong CV. Next time you create a CV, pay attention to job ads and descriptions. Read carefully to know what your recruiter wants, and then craft a resume. Many people fail to get an interview call as they care less about CV structure and its related aspects. You won’t have to follow their footprints. As you have only a few seconds to get your employer's attention, please try to make the most of this time.


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