How to Write a Retirement Letter

Some people cannot wait to get retirement and enjoy the end of their professions. If you are a potential retiree, you would automatically consider the big day to obtain awards for your long-term professional commitments. But before that, you need to prepare for your retirement event by writing a retirement letter.

Are Ready to Retire from your Job?

Are you ready to retire from your job

Many people are used to the morning job preparations. Since a job application requires an application letter, a job ending also requires a retirement letter. This letter will highlight your work for years and your right to get your retirement savings. Some people cannot embrace the fact that their professional commitments are over, mainly when used to the work routine. This category can expand their professional journey by looking for additional job offers. If you belong to this workaholic team, you can check; What are the Best Jobs for Mature Workers in the UK.

If you are waiting for your retirement to travel and enjoy a relaxing holiday with family, you should go for a retirement letter.

What is a Retirement Letter?

A retirement letter is a final note that you can send to your employer. Some professionals think that this letter is no longer required or essential. However, employers should get this letter to study the upcoming vacancies. Employees also have the option to identify when they would leave. Would it be after reaching a specific age or just a few months before reaching the retirement age? A retirement letter is similar to a resignation letter in many fields, where the employee reveals his/ her departure from the job. It can also be a thank you letter in which the employee thanks all the organization's professionals for being part of the industry. It can also include a recommendation notice to suggest someone take the job. You may also read; Dig into fun Part-time Jobs for Retirees.

When to Write a Retirement Letter? 

how to write a retirement letter

While you have achieved long-term work experience, it is time to leave that job and hand it to an upcoming candidate. There is no such thing as a permanent job. Therefore, your age matters, and there is a rewarding side related to retirement:

  • A considerable job designation: as a long-term employee, you should have been elevated in your career. You are not living your entry-level job. You are leaving a position in which you have reached a significant rank.
  • New plans: retirement means beginning a new step in your life. It can be a different work resolution, writing a book, enjoying a holiday, etc..
  • A pension: retirement offers depend on the field in which you work. Every professional sector has a specific retirement age, policies, and medical benefits. Your retirement letter will include whether you are leaving your job at the right moment or before the arranged time. Please take a look at What Happens To My Workplace Pension When I Die.

Of course, a retirement letter should not be submitted right when you reach the retirement date. You should provide this letter in advance so that your employer studies the ways to hire a new applicant. Also, you can pursue your work even after submitting your retirement letter. Some employers might ask you to be present during the transition and during the application of a new employee. In this case, your work routine might be converted into a training session or part-time supervision of the new applicant. You can put yourself in the situation of two weeks' notice.

How to Write a Retirement Letter:

a retirement letter sections

Like all professional letters and emails, a retirement letter is a formal letter that delivers your departure date and any change in the work schedule until that date. This letter is for your employer or any manager that supervises your work. This letter includes:

Name, contact information, and your workplace address


-The body of your letter

-Closing statement


What Can I say inside a Retirement Letter

Here is a sample retirement letter:

Your Name

Your Address

Your Contact Number

Your Employer's Name

Your Employer's Job Designation

Your workplace Address


Dear Mr. (write your employer's name)

My name is (XYZ). I am writing this letter after 30 years of continuous work experience in different industries. By the ( give a specific date), I will be 62 years old. I will also achieve 18 years of the profession ( your job title) ( your company's name).

Until that auspicious day, I would like to inform you about the end of my professional commitment in ( again mention the date). I have achieved an excellent work experience in your company. I developed my skills and contributed to the success of many operations. Thank you for choosing me twice to manage a project. It means a lot for me to hold such an important department and succeed in leading the project.

As I am heading towards a final stage in this organization, I would like to express my gratitude for believing in myself and elevating in my career. Before I leave, I would like to interfere in the recruitment process and supervise the upcoming professional who will take my job. I am looking forward to hearing about my suggestion and telling me when I should pack my stuff.

Best Regards, 

Your name


That was a sample letter of retirement. Please put the necessary changes in your professional situation.


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