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Know All About Israeli-Style CV

A CV is an essential tool for getting a job in Israel. You can't send an application without a resume. If you are in the process of job application and interested to know about ISRAELI-Style CV and its proper format, you are at the right place. I will explain vital details of every single element of my CV. Make sure you review it all so that you only send a CV that would help you find a job in Israel. 

Objective Statement

The very first thing that an employer would like to know about you is your professional introduction. Who you are and what you do? You need to answer these two questions within three lines. Make sure your statement paints a good picture of you in front of the recruiter. It's how you will increase your chance of winning a job offer or at least securing an interview in Israel.

Discover; How to Write a Personal Statement


It is the second section of Your Israel-style resume. When it comes to picking the best skills for jobs, please only add relevant ones. You don't need to cover the whole space with too many skills. If you are unsure what skills are required for a particular job, research it. Extract a list and use it for your professional advantage. Highlight skills in a neat and clear-cut manner. You can use bullets to make them prominent in your resume.

what skills to put on israel cv

Discover: How to Put Skills on Resume


Once you are done with the skill section of your Israel CV, the next thing is your experience. Keep in mind that your employer only requires a one-page CV. It means when you have years of experience, you better stick to the latest work experience. Don't extend CV too much as no one has time and energy to check every page. 

What if you don't have work experience? In that case, you can add details of your internship or volunteer experience. Don't have that either? It's good to talk about your educational achievements in the section.


You will give details of your certification, degree, and educational institutes. This section shouldn't be lengthy. Try to comprehend it all in maximum 4-5 lines.

Personal Details

You can mention your name and social account details. However, there is no need to add other details like your marital status, children, age,  address or hobbies. Companies in Israel only require a few personal details.

Reference section

You won't mention any reference for a job at this moment. However, you can write that if they need any reference, you will furnish them. 

If an employer asks you for a reference, it's a good sign. The reason for asking for a reference is to look into your work experience. You will only share professional references. Choose your reference carefully and make sure that whoever that person is, he talks highly of your capabilities and expertise. 

In most cases, employers prefer a phone number that they can use to get to know more about you. In top companies, the recruiter demands a character reference letter. You can ask what they want and they offer them as per their needs.

Israel CV Writing Tips

I have shared every single section of Israel CV, so you can craft and format it well. Now here are some tips that help you create a job-winning CV.

Keep it Simple/Short

If you think of impressing your recruiter by using fancy language and jargon, please don't. You need to keep it simple and to-the-point. If you repeat the same things over and over and overcrowd your CV with lots of things, it won't work out either. Israeli employers prefer clear formatting, so please only mention relevant and most essential details in your resume.

Use Action Verbs

You want to make your resume impactful. It will be possible when you employ action verbs in your experience section. Tell the employer how well you performed for your past employer and so you intend to do the same for your current one. Adding some statistics from your previous job experience will work great in your favor.

proof reading for cv


Always double-check your resume before sending it. Sometimes, you write it in hurry so many spelling and grammatical mistakes are there. If you proofread, it will make your CV look perfect. Employer doesn't find an issue, so he likes your effort.

Add Main Keywords

Adding keywords in your Resume increases your chance of getting a job in Israel. Read your job ad carefully and try to figure out what employer would need. He might be interested in a person with excellent problem solving skills or want a person who knows all about software. No matter what his special requirement is, try to identify and then add it in your CV.

Wrap up

Next time you apply for a job, please check the proper format and follow all the tips. I’m sure when you do this, the employer will consider your resume and give you an interview call.


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