Know All about the Bad Habits at Work and How to Break Them

For achieving more stability in your professional life, it is good to avoid some bad habits that ruin your career. As an employee, you need to follow some workplace etiquettes that will help you improve your relationship with others and shape your professional future. This article will show you the top 10 worst and wrong habits that might make you get fired and lose your career.

Common Bad Habits You have to Avoid:

how to avoid bad habits

Nobody is perfect. But, when you step into your office, you need to abandon the lazy, careless habits you have and focus on the impression you can offer to people with you at work. Many of us have bad habits and cannot easily stick to the rules. Some people follow a deviant lifestyle that affects their health and impact our professional performance. Here are most of the bad habits that disturb your colleagues and affect your job:

1.Sitting too Much on the internet:

There is an addictive side related to using social media. Many employees are addicted to playing Candy Crush or interacting with others. Social networks, holiday ticket booking sites, and small ad sites are a source of distraction. The excessive use of social media can decrease the employee's productivity, resulting in professional troubles of careless habits.

Here is how to get rid of this bad habit:

Turn off your phone once you step into your Office. Use it only at your lunch break. Use a program on your office desktop that blocks social media or keep your computer connected to another colleague through a team viewer. By doing so, you will not get distracted. Here is  How to increase productivity in the workplace? Try 15 ideas

2.Too Busy with emails:

Like many employees, you stop working whenever your email receives a message. But, you should know that it takes 20 minutes to get your focus back. You need to filter out these emails. Do not activate your email notifications on everything. Just limit your email to your company's contacts. What Are Some Jobs Where You Work Alone?


Close your mailing addresses at work, and keep one business mail.

3.Bringing a Dog to the Office:

Some companies have allowed employees to bring their pets with them, provided that this animal is calm and not disturbing the rest of the team. If your dog is barking all the time and ruining the office staff, you better keep it at home. Understand the Rules of Bringing Your Dog to the Work Policy


Before deciding to bring your dog with you, you should follow the company's policies and abide by them.

4.Not getting a Lunch Break:

It is good to be a workaholic. But, not leaving your Office you're having a lunch break and having a sandwich there, this is a huge mistake. A lunch break is not only for eating; it is also for socializing with the staff members. It is an opportunity to share career information among colleagues and stimulate innovation and creativity.  


Enjoy your lunch break and the occasion of meeting colleagues. This break is an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues you haven't met yet.

5. Keep Sitting all the Day:

If you sit for long periods, it leads to circulatory failure, slow heartbeat and difficulty breathing, and increases blood stagnation in the lower extremities, increasing fatigue. Some employees sit for six hours in a row. It is no wonder that they always complain of neck pain and bone disorders, and sitting for a long time is the leading cause of some cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer.


Try to move. Walk every 1 hour or stretch your arms with simple moves. Adjust your posture if you have to sit in front of the computer for hours and look away from time to time to rest your eyes. Adjust your computer's position if you can; make the screen at the level of your eyes and keyboard at the level of your elbows.

6. Absence of Exercise:

It is terrible to spend your weekend holiday without any physical activity. It is good to sleep and rest, but don't be fooled by it. The lack of exercise tires the nervous system, leading to a high-stress level and weight gain. It may also lead you to all kinds of physical pain, such as back pain and foot injuries.


Invest your holiday in a workout. Do not go for challenging exercises that require too much fitness. Start with simple activities such as walking, stretching, and watch your diet.

7. Lack of Sleep:

lack of sleep and energy for work

Is your TV social media accounts making you sleepless? It is terrible to ruin your focus by staying awake every night. Here is How to Make Your Job Enjoyable When Feeling Bored


Improve your sleep by reducing TV and social media browsing.

8. Lack of the Team Spirit

Some like to do their jobs alone. This is not always applicable in the workplace. Those who have team spirit are the ones who tend to succeed in their career. This includes positive behaviors and helping others when needed and performing tasks outside your field of work and so on.


Try to socialize with colleagues to get better teamwork skills.



If you arrive late frequently or late to return from the lunch break, this makes you appear as an indifferent person. That's why you should try to get to your workplace early to prove how much you respect your time.


Manage your time and set your alarm for small tasks.

10. Incompetence:

If you are coming after a professional gap or without previous work experience, don't show a lack of competence. Remember that your employer doesn't offer multiple chances or gifts. You need to work hard to prove yourself in the field and not take your gap or absence of work experience as an excuse for neglect. Here is How to Get Back to Work After Career Break? Follow 8 Steps 


Retake your professional image and prove your abilities.


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