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  • Know all about the Opening and the Closing of a Cover Letter

Know all about the Opening and the Closing of a Cover Letter

Finally, after a long time, you have found your dream job. Congratulations! Now, it’s time to apply. All you need to do is make a resume and write a cover letter. Are you not satisfied with the typical, boring cover letter openings? Do you feel that some writing tips are less motivating for further reading, and you need to put some magic into your letter? Don’t worry, Fratres will show you how to make a creative cover letter to sound professionally promising.

How to Start Writing a Professional Cover Letter?

cover letter open ing and closing

Writing a great cover letter requires an effort, especially when you want to get out of the crowd and nail the job. Students are also using cover letters when applying for admission to other colleges, internships, scholarships, and research proposals. The main hinders you might feel are how you should start your letter, to whom you should address it, and the final lines. Lucky for you, we will show you the best writing tips from “Dear Sir” to “Sincerely Yours.”

How to Address Your Cover Letter to an Unknown Person:

The majority of job seekers may not know the identity of the person receiving their letter. In this case, you can research on LinkedIn or the company’s official website. Now, the first thing you need to need is to work on your letter’s structure.

A cover letter is a one-page letter that includes three major parts. Your content should be scattered in paragraphs, where each one is devoted to a purpose. The components of your cover letter are:

1. A Heading: at the top of your letter, put your name, contact information, date, the name, and the contact information of your receiver);

2. Salutations: addressing your cover letter to hiring managers is not a random step. after you should address your receiver by a professional greeting such as Dear Sir, Dear Mr/ Mrs. If you can’t find the information about your receiver’s name, you can write instead:

  • To Whom It May Concern,
  • Dear Sir;
  • Dear Hiring Manager;
  • Dear “Company name” Team;

After all, it would help if you researched your target workplace to know the concerned people. You can also read, Most Appropriate Salutations and Greetings for Business Emails and Letters

Best Cover Letter Openings:


Open your letter with a motivating introduction, like these examples: introducing your name, situation, the job title you are applying for.

"My name is ABC. I am a recent graduate. I am applying as an entry-level Software Engineer at (name the company).”

“My name is ABC. I am a recent graduate from ( mention your college). Mr. ( your reference) notified me of this Engineering position, as he perceived that I am fit for this position.

“My name is ABC. I am a recent graduate from ( mention your college). I have read the job offer number. I am sure that my skills and qualifications meet the requirements. That’s why I am applying as a Software Engineer at ( name the company).

Your Cover Letter’s Content:

What you should mention in your letter reflects a lot about you. Let’s break and reorder your content into three exciting parts.

In the first paragraph, you should identify your position and inform your reader who you are a student, internee, an employee, etc..then state to which position you are applying for. You can also start proving that you are a perfect candidate and use grabbers to make your reader enjoyable in learning about you. An example: “I was looking for a job as a personal assistant. I am glad that my experience, professional skills, and professional network can introduce me as a perfect candidate.

In the second paragraph, you have ample choices to talk about yourself from a professional angle, qualification, and justify why you see yourself perfect. you can say for example;

After finishing my volunteer experience in-home care, I started considering applying as a Support Worker. I can entirely overcome the generation gap between me and home care residents. I am very precise and punctual when checking medical files and checking on the residents' medical routine. I am also very concerned when it comes to applying safety procedures during the lockdown. I am also active online to share awareness and raise charitable funds.

In the third paragraph, you can highlight your skills, your previous positions, and your career achievements if you had any. You can also explain your reasons for your application or your career choice.

The final paragraph is a closing segment. Try to end your letter politely with the hope of an interview. You should not be very persistent, or you should not insist on your manager to hire you by saying, please, select me directly. Please choose me. It would help if you sounded confident and patient, as your letter takes time to reach the concerned person.

What is Needed for a Good Cover letter:

There is not a single format to use for various purposes. Your format is a personal choice, taking into account your experience, skills, and the field you are engaged in. Of course, the way you have formatted your letter brings attention to the details. Remember to express your willingness and your desire to get the job at the beginning. Now take a look at the following advice:

Your Cover Letter Closing :

Cover letter closing tips

Closing your cover letter should not sound boring and less worked on. Try to write some forward-looking statements requesting an invitation to a job interview:

-I would be extremely grateful for scheduling a meeting with you to discuss my application for the position. You can contact me through ( put your contact information).

Sincerely (Yours)

Your name


-I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please contact me for a job interview through my phone number or email address.

Best Regards,

Your name


You can also use similar final expressions such as; Respectfully, Kind Regards, Yours Truly, Thank you, Thank You for your consideration.

That was all about writing a cover letter with opening and closing examples. If you are interested in any specific cover letter, visit Fratres career advice.


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