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  • Should I Reapply for a Dream Job After Rejection?

Should I Reapply for a Dream Job After Rejection?

Are you looking for an answer to the question Should I apply to the same company after Rejection? Well, the answer is yes.

We all have career dreams, and we know where we want to see ourselves in five or more years. However, things don't always work out the way we want them to be. It happens that

You applied for a dream job with an amazing cover letter and mind-blowing resume.

You appeared in a semi-structured interview.

But you didn’t get any job offers. 

And that’s when you lose all the hope.

In an ideal world, we apply for a job by writing a good cover letter and tightening all the loose screws of our resume. And we appear in the interview, and we impress the hiring manager in a way that we got a job offer right away.

apply for dream job after rejection

However, we need to get back to reality and accept the fact that competition in the job market is furious. Lots of talented people are trying their best to land on a job. If it is your dream job, it could be someone else's dream job as well. 

So, don’t give up and try to apply to the same company after Rejection. Not quickly but after three to six months. Meanwhile, get a part-time job and start working on your dream job application again. 

Today, I am going to tell you how you can increase your chances of job application acceptances from the same company that has rejected you before. Don’t let go of your dream job if you experienced failure only once. Try again; it is your dream, and struggling for it is totally worth it. Let’s get started.

4 Tips for Applying to Same company After Rejection

Here are some Tips that can help you do better next time.


  1. Sit, Think and Reflect


Before doing anything, it’s time to sit and do a self-analysis. Ask some questions from yourself. Such as:

What did I do wrong in my last application?

How can I do better? 

What factor I didn’t pay attention to?

Was my cover letter good enough?

Was my interview preparation up to the standards?

Did I do my company research the way I should be?

No one knows any situation better than you, because you are the one who experienced it. So, find some answers and get ready to win the heart of your hiring manager this time. 

  1. Make Improvements in Your Resume and Cover Letter

Once you know what mistake you have made, then it becomes easier to fix it. I suggest you check different cover letter examples related to your industry and then fine-tune your own cover letter. For example, you can check a sample entry-level accounting cover letter that helps you get an idea of what elements must be present in your own letter.

Another thing to do is to check your resume and then make some changes to it. Perhaps you need to add interest in your resume to showcase a lighter side of your persona. There is always some room for improvement, find it, and make changes

  1. Connect to the Person on the Same Job

Try to connect with a person who is already doing a job that you want to get. The person with the same position has all the experience and knowledge that can prove useful for your career path. All you have to do is to connect through LinkedIn or some other social portal.

Now what you are going to do, once you connect to him. Remember, everyone likes to share his voice and his life journey. So, ask him how did he achieve that job, what were the challenges he faced, how did he come so far.

how to reapply for same company after rejection

And once you ask those questions, the answer from the guy helps you understand what you need to do to reach the same position. Learn to meet the Right Connections on Job


  1. Stay in Touch with Hiring Manager


Okay, there is a fine line between annoying someone with frequent emails and then keeping the door open with the informational conversation. Don’t cross that line.

In simple words, stay-in-touch with the hiring manager, but it’s not like sending him an email every day and asking for a job position. Instead, try a holistic approach where you can connect to him on Linkedin and then like his post, comment on the post he shared. It’s a way of staying close to his eyeballs without irritating him.

Again, don’t overdo anything. Keep it simple and natural. Besides, send a follow-up thank you letter after the interview and then ask for some other job recommendations. 

When you keep the connection alive with a hiring manager, then you get his immediate attention in the next interview. It’s how you apply for the same company that rejected you and enjoyed some good results from all the efforts.

Wrap Up

There is no harm in applying to the same company after Rejection. But give it some time, so new position pop-ups while you can work on your cover letter and resume. A bit of effort during waiting time lets you get a dream job you always wanted to have. Keep your hope alive, and do what you love.

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