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Ten Quick Tips Regarding Graduates.

Obtaining a degree highlights two different possibilities. Either you have to get ready for the job search journey, or apply for further advanced studies. In both cases, graduates in Norway have to face additional challenges such as the selection of the final year project and the search for an internship. What is the future of education in Norway? let’s find out:

 Graduation in Norway:

Degrees in Norwa

The average degree in Norway takes three years of college studies. The universities in Norway follow the scheme of the BMD educational system. After completing three years, the graduate has the potential to study two years of Masters Degree, followed by 3 years of PhD studies. This scheme is not applicable to medical students, and engineering cycles. 

International students are entitled to apply for internships financed by exchange programs such as Erasmus Mondus. The degrees obtained in Norway are also recognized by the Universities and employment agencies of the European Union. What should a student do to have a remarkable place in the job market? Sign up to Fratres to learn the best guidelines of having a successful educational life. Fratres is a job portal targeting both graduates and apprentices towards the recent demands of the job market. Here are the tips that you need to know as a graduate in Norway:

1.Choose the Right Major:

Choosing a major is the first step of identifying the specialty. In Norway, there are various fields related to top specialties such as the medical, technical , and IT majors. Some majors require an entry exam, especially for foreign students. Others require just completing high school. As a graduate, you need to choose a major that goes well with your field of interest and grades. The admission process takes two months for international students and less than 21 days for Norwegian. 5 Best Student Cities in Norway

2. The possibility of choosing a double degree:

 If you are brilliant in two majors and you want to get two qualifications as one, you can apply for a double degree. Selecting two-degree studies in Norway is possible based on vacancies and the applicant grades. It is also possible to choose one public and one private institute program.

3.  Setting Strategies for Employment:

employment plans

the purpose of obtaining a degree is finding a place in the job market. As a graduate, you need to have a clear idea about the changes in the job market and the in-demand specialties that will be required after 3 years from 2022. it is predicted that in 2025, there will be a huge interest in:

-Data science

-Agriculture and veterinary specialties

-Healthcare and pharmaceuticals

-cyber security

-Information technology

-HR management

 Take a look at; Why Are Young People So Obsessed With Getting Started?

4. Choosing a Success field of Training for Students:

Internship is an involved part in the graduation process of various specialties. It is a set of professional training provided by public organizations and institutions. Internships are related to any areas of practice helping students gain the practical field. They also evaluate the practical performance of students. In addition, their multiple targeted foundations are used to help students to use the sciences and knowledge they have learned in funded projects.

5. International Seminars, Project fund, and Academic adoption:

Norway is encouraging technical advance and invention. There are various associative programs funding new projects be it on a national or international level. The aim of these projects is to provide graduates an occasion to create more development in the labor market by updating new strategies. Graduates who come up with new projects can be entitled to national rewards and funding of the projects. Take a look at; Research funding opportunities

6. Gaining Different Skills on the Professional and Social Level

Application for graduates

Graduates can develop various transferable skills, when they apply for internships or training programs. These options provide them with different opportunities to improve their personality traits, like how to deal with teamwork, divide tasks and duties, and interfere to solve problems ( problem solving skills). They will also benefit from the opportunity of practicing their hard skills by adhering to a training curriculum in institutions under professional supervision.

7. Building a CV and a Cover letter up to the Standards:

 For graduates, it is essential to know how to introduce themselves to the professional world. There are these basic documents that help students list their professional information and know how to apply for their chosen careers. A CV is an important paper that every graduate needs to provide be it for a job or for academic purposes. A cover letter can serve an additional asset to support the graduates’ application and help them get a job interview.

8. Getting the necessary Qualifications:

A graduate is expected to have a qualification for a specific field of expertise. By getting a degree, students are ready to learn the professional terms and conditions. They will learn the validity of specific professional contracts and the ways to benefit from paid internships. Students gain the ethics of the profession and complete it through a period of practice such as a probation period. A qualification defines the student’s specialization and the way to learn the skill of regularity, accuracy and speed in completing work. Here are Five Unbelievable Facts About Apprenticeships.

9. Networking :

 Every year, a thousand graduates are entering the job market in Norway. Those who are more known in the professional cycle can successfully promote themselves in the professional world. Networking is the way that helps graduates get reviews and recommendations to get better professional opportunities.

10. Enrolling in Advanced studies:

Graduates can also choose an academic path instead of a career. Additional qualifications can help students reach senior job titles, especially in the academic field.

These were the best tips for graduates in Norway. The professional world requires several regulations for entry-level applicants to get their first jobs. Internships and trainings are among the necessary tips that help graduates to meet the professional requirements


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