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Ten Unconventional Knowledge About Graduates That You Can't Learn From Books.

Although many applicants are looking for employment in Francophone and Anglophone countries, Lithuania is among the interesting sites for education and work. Devices and aids to use there have increased the academic and the professional options to choose. By 20022, a graduate has the various strategies to improve the chances of entering the job market. After four years of study, it is the working life that begins for many young graduates. Here are 10 unbelievable tips for graduates that don’t exist in books.

Entry-level Employment in Lithuania:

entry-level jobs

A job with no prior experience is known as entry-level. In Lithuania, there are various startup projects that are not demanding massive experience. These opportunities are the type of temporary employment, where the applicant is going to gain practical skills. The search for the first job is often difficult, especially when students are entering the job market, which is still unknown to them. In Lithuania, some institutions provide specific support in finding your first job. Institutions of higher education are also committed to helping their students by providing internships opportunities leading to employment. It is very common for Lithuania to get hired in a field connected with the studies. Many graduates find a job in the field of training or internship. Adding to this classic way of employment, you have to work on your professional project even before the end of your studies. The main thing is to identify the targeted positions, according to your training and the requirements of the job market. Every year in Lithuania, a promotion of new graduates are applying for a job. The Available careers may not meet the available graduates. In order to create fair opportunities, employers point out the importance of the mandatory gap year in many training courses. The probationary period in Lithuania might be more extended than the rest of European countries. For recruiters, the hiring decision of an entry-level applicant is a determining moment in the development of the project and for the ability to integrate correctly. As starting a career is a challenging process, here are the 10 functional tips for recent graduates to settle on a job: Here are 5 Important Life Lessons Interviews Taught Us.

1.Know which Positions to Apply for:

 A recent graduate is a motivated applicant. Although various companies are looking for experienced applicants, graduates should also be selective when it comes to looking for a job. Thanks to technology, various job portals are posting about the recent opportunities in your target place. Try to  make a reasonable career choice that puts into practice your skills and knowledge. Fratres is the best job portal that helps graduates in this case. Sign up to Fratres to increase the chances of your recruitment.

2. Work on your Applications

best application tips

A graduate applies for more than a job. These massive applications might be confusing. But, due to competition a recent graduate prepares a list of the available offers that don’t insist on experience. Do not limit yourself to your degree. Some jobs are looking for skills rather than qualifications. So, do not feel down if your degree is not among the top in-demand qualifications.

3. Build a Network

It is essential to have professional references in your CV. A network is the set of professional acquaintances that can testify to your skills and expertise. You can build your network during internship or during any seasonal job. The aim is to have fame among the suggested applicants. Here are; 5 Various Ways To Do Getting Started.

4. Make a Professional CV:

Despite the absence of work experience, you can build a CV that catches the recruiter’s eyes. An entry-level CV is a single page document that includes your name, your contact information, a profile, education, internships, skills, and a reference.  Your CV should be written and proofread. You should also attach a cover letter with your CV to explain your motivation for the job. Your aim is to convince the recruiter to give you a chance and perhaps your first permanent contract.

5. Highlight your Qualifications in your Cover letter

When candidates have little or no experience, the degree is often the most important element in the eyes of recruiters. But it is not everything: the cover letter can help you stand out from other candidates for the position you are applying for. With an equivalent diploma, the way you present yourself in writing this letter can hit the mark if you follow the right tips.

6. Prepare yourself for a Job Interview:

job interview tips

You will not obtain the job through remote recommendations and applications. A job interview will make you know how to discuss your application. Even if your talents are no longer to be proven, your job interview answers must keep a professional tone. Your challenge is to get the recruiter interested in your professional profile.

7. Conduct research on the work Environment, Benefits, and Contracts

Knowing your sector at a given moment is not enough, you also have to anticipate its developments. According to a study by Dell and the Institute for the Future in March 2020, 85% of the jobs of 2030 do not currently exist. The quality of the professional training may not be compatible with the available opportunities. Research on the field will allow you to have a global view of your future profession. You should know about the different job environments in Lithuania, the offered benefits and the type of arrangements that you may have in your job contract. Take a look at; Lithuania Work Culture

8. Justify the Lack of Experience:

If you are not experienced, you are not dispensed from work. Do not deplore your lack of experience; this is also your strength. You certainly lack experience, but you are a fresh graduate! The recruiter can expect from you the qualities associated with the profiles of young graduates: dynamism, commitment, creativity etc...Here are; 5 Facts You Never Knew About Work Life.

9. Get prepared for a Probation Period:

After completing the job interview, you should stay at the manager's disposal. You will be invited to undergo a probation period. This period of trial can be a reassuring guide to understand the tasks. You will learn more about the work culture and show your eligibility for the job. Take a look at; Disciplinary procedure

10. Be Positive and Optimistic:

Although a job search doesn’t end within a few days. As a graduate, it is natural to face rejection or no response for the sent emails. You should not enter into stress and depression. You should rather think about developing better skills to know how to reach your target job.

These were the top 10 tips for recent graduates to get a job in Lithuania. Employment is very challenging after the pandemic.Be it an European or a non-European graduate, you have to prepare the necessary documents for your job application, including the necessary preparations for a job interview.


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