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  • This Is Why This Year Will Be The Year Of CV.

This Is Why This Year Will Be The Year Of CV.

It  doesn’t take us years to learn how to write a CV according to the standards of the target country. When you decide to work in Italy, everything has to be redone! Before submitting your CV, you need to gather as much information as possible to get the right guidelines. An Italian CV will change your future. Here are some tips for writing your first application in Italian.

An Italian CV:

an Italian CV

The ideal structure of an Italian CV may vary depending on your status and the chosen position. If you come from a foreign country, it will be difficult for you to quickly understand the Italian recruitment rules and you risk compromising the selection by trying to reproduce the format usually requested and used in your country of origin. Since this year is the Year of CV, you will discover the ABCs of crafting a perfect CV for 2022. Fratres will give you the best guidelines to follow the standards. You can sign up to Fratres to get the recent updates on jobs wherever you want.

1. The Europass CV in Italian

To simplify the task for applicants, the CV in European Europass format has been created, which makes it possible to provide a standard form of CV that meets the requirements of all European employers. Through Europass, you have the possibility to create and modify your CV, benefiting from a free Italian CV template. The Europass CV in Italian is a very good option to start your job search in Italy.

Before Writing a CV consider the following:

- Your CV length: In Italy, a CV is usually two pages long. This is the maximum page length.

- Your  photo in a CV:  in Italy, sometimes there is no obligation to put a photo in an Italian CV. But, some front-office professions rely on your looks. That’s why, you must always take into consideration that the CV may well be the only chance you will have to show who you are to a potential employer.

- The data processing of the Italian CV

In Italy, it is compulsory to give consent to the employer so that he can process the data entered on your CV. Thus, at the end of the CV, it is mandatory to enter and sign the sentence.

Take a look at; How to tailor your CV for different countries

- The choice of information to insert in an Italian CV

The content you are going to insert in a CV includes two types of information:

  • Basic information: they consist of the information that can be written in every CV, such as who you are, where you come from, your qualifications.
  • Flexible information: they are the professional details and the key words that are related to your target job such as, your experiences, profile, as well as what you want to do in the future.

-Be selective:

If you have had several different experiences, it is better to include only those that are of real use in relation to the profile you are looking for. Indeed, it is always best to avoid giving the impression that you have accumulated various experiences that are not relevant to the chosen field.

2. Translate a CV into Italian

Knowing the useful expressions to write your first CV in Italian is a fundamental step in developing  an Italian cv. Each country has its specificities; you will be able to see that the translations are sometimes not literal but are common forms.

The technique that will help you in this part is word search keys across job boards. Reading job advertisements will allow you to target common expressions of the professional world in Italy related to your profile. For each job, it will be important to detail all of the skills acquired in order to highlight what you really know how to do.

If one wishes to apply in Italy, fluency in the language is essential. Indeed, it is above all to be read and understood by the recruiter; but also to demonstrate its ability to speak the language. Although English is required for English jobs, an Italian CV can facilitate your recruitment. 

Concerning the equivalence of the diplomas obtained in your respective schools, Italy has very precise titles. It is not a question of going to look at a translator, it will give you errors! The equivalent of the baccalaureate is a Diploma di Istruzione Secondaria di Secondo Grado; a license, una laurea; a master's degree, a Laurea Specialistica or Magistrale and finally a doctorate is said: Dottorato di Ricerca.

3.  What Certifications should I put on a CV in Italian?

what to put in a CV

All diplomas and certifications related to the job are worth noting in your Italian CV. Even if you have obtained certifications from private schools or online, it will always give a positive image of you and underline your determination to learn and update your knowledge.

4. Key Skills

Languages ​​are among the requested skills in Italian CVs. Even if you have obtained a certification that attests your level, you should not hesitate to write the languages you know and the level of expertise.

5. CV Format

CV format

To help you visualize what might be the final rendering of your CV, you need to follow the following format:


Contact information

Nationality/ gender

Marital status


Work Experience







The Italian CV can be presented on two pages maximum. Many Italians send a very concise CV that covers the most important information. If the first exchange was successful, they will then send a detailed version of their CV, mentioning diplomas and exam results.

At the risk of surprising you, Italians sign their CVs like a cover letter. But this practice tends to disappear with the advent of all digital CV TEMPLATES.


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