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  • Top 10 Trends In Work Life To Watch.

Top 10 Trends In Work Life To Watch.

The world is changing. Businesses are adapting new strategies changing the job market. Luxembourg is not an exception. With an unemployment rate lower than 5%, Luxembourg has improved its recruitment system by selecting the in-demand specialties. Here are 10 major global trends that have shaped the working environment.

Work life in Luxembourg:

Workplaces are back to activity after the pandemic. By 2022, the labor market is giving way to new methods: such as digital transformation, new arrangements, remote work etc... As a result the work life in Luxembourg is creating a new environment impacting both employees and employers around the world. Different sectors, generations and countries provide a map of how world life is changing today. It is fundamental for business leaders to identify the various trends behind these changes. As a job portal, Fratres introduces work life hacks to reach job satisfaction. Here are the 10 trends in work life that will improve your professional routine. Sign up to Fratres for more hints in employment wherever you want.

1.Business Knowledge:

Many sectors depend on business knowledge. The current job offers in marketing and finance are looking for speed and stability. The aim of this trend is to promote the flexibility of their employees, thanks to the use of disciplines such as the digital transformation of organizations. This practice frees workers from feeling overwhelmed by the overload of information and responsibilities.

2. Decompartmentalization:

The most recent evolution of the collaborative workspace is the generalization of co-working at all levels. Companies no longer only organize the sharing of space and resources, but decompartmentalize interactions, in order to promote cross-functionality and the alliance of forces to respond to complex issues and generate new ideas.

3.Workers Without Borders:

The scale of worker displacement, whether in emerging or developed countries, offers new opportunities to create inclusive leadership, assessing needs, skills and success culture, in order to foster a sense of belonging. Immigration can thus become an opportunity for companies.

4. Next Generation Robots:

The new age of Robots is on its way to come. Luxembourg is financing robotic projects and artificial intelligence thanks to its technical advance. The project of robotics will absolutely affect work life,  as this project has been present in the corporate world for years. Robotics will advance in artificial intelligence to lead organizations to delegate tasks previously entrusted to humans. The current debate is about the engagement  of robotics, especially in performing tasks that interact with human beings. Employers should not feel worried about robots. The aim of the project is to make life easier and improve productivity. Take a look at; Most Effective Ways To Overcome Graduates' Problems.

5. The Intergenerational Transfer of Skills:

The lengthening of life expectancy and career paths leads companies to rethink the traditional hierarchical models of skills exchange. Reciprocal transfers are taking place between generations, giving rise to a new culture of personal development. Constant learning brings people together in the workplace and leads them towards a common goal, so seniors and younger people can learn from each other.

6. Personal Branding at work:

Today, the creation of a “personal brand” arouses keen interest, with employers seeking to make the company benefit from the personal touch of their employees. Soon in Luxembourg there will be tasks based on the brands of specialists that will draw the lines between average and branded work.

7. Rethinking the Workplace Experience:

Today's employees expect more from their employer. Elements of their workplace are being completely redesigned. Whether it's space management, new work technologies or simply layouts, the link between employees and their environment is a key factor in personal development. Design should help improve this interaction, both inside and outside the company.

8. The Sustainable Development:

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set for 2030 by the United Nations confront companies with the need to collaborate with each other, but also with public authorities, to serve a common vision. The adaptation of the practices of these companies will have an impact on the progress made in achieving these goals, but also on the aspirations of employees, in search of positive changes. It is therefore up to companies to take sustainable development as a legitimate responsibility, where employees also play their part.

9. Activity-based Work.

Since the workstation cannot permanently adapt to the diversity of tasks, it is mobility that allows employees to use the space that suits them best. Activity-based work includes concentration, typing, reading documentation, informal exchange, bilateral meeting, work meeting, project committee, brainstorming, etc. The number of types of workspaces has thus exploded, going from 2 or 3 for a traditional office to almost 12 on average. 

10. Office Sweet Office.

The office is an essential part of employer marketing. This professional environment has a substantial impact on the quality of the employee performances. Work life expectations are increasingly integrated into the places made for work. The office is also entering the era of evolution. Offices become more equipped with kitchens, raw materials, plants, and even animals, to give a home-based atmosphere. The employee experience will tend towards that offered by the home, to bring more comfort, personalization, freedom and inspiration... 

These were the top 10 new trends in Work life in luxembourg. The evolution of the job market let to new professional strategies to handle the tasks.


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