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What are the Best Part-time Jobs in India?

Dear reader, do you find it hard to get a job these days? Within this massive lockdown and limited job offers, you want to get a job that doesn’t force you to wake up early in the morning, return late at home, and don’t not consume your whole day. Fratres will show you a valid professional path towards part-time job opportunities. Let’s get started.

What is a Part-time Job? 

Part-time work is one of the most common ways to make money. Whether you are a student, a housewife, or even an employee who is looking for extra cash, part-time work is a good option for the category of people who cannot afford a full-time job. Are you interested in jobs in Mumbai? Check this out; How to Find Jobs in Mumbai?

part-time jobs online

In India, part-time jobs are variable depending on the recruiters’ arrangements. Some employers hire people for seasonal, temporary, or on weekends. Others offer temporary work, with other characteristics like expanding the work period if the candidate has succeeded in maintaining excellent benefits for the recruiter.

The Positive Aspects of Part-time Jobs:

There are many benefits to this type of employment:

-It generates additional income: it is mainly reflected in enabling people to meet all their life needs.

-It helps to mobilize leisure time: many part-time workers are turning their hobbies into a source of income, especially for talented people who are always active social media. They can easily promote their services online and get paid.

-It is useful for students in different stages: students sometimes face extra expenses, especially if they don’t study in their home city. They can get professional experience through part-time jobs. This is also an opportunity to find what to write in the resume’s work experience section while applying for a real job.

- It is an excellent professional alternative: part-time jobs are suitable for people who suffer from chronic illness and have health issues preventing them from committing to full-time work.

The Negative Aspects of part-time Jobs:

Sometimes all good things have a dark side. Despite the benefits of part-time work, there are still some negative aspects like:

-Absence of job insurance: salaries or remunerations are often based on a certain percentage of production regardless of the number of hours that are cut, except in certain occupations and jobs.

-Hectic: sometimes a part-time job can place an additional burden and effort on people working in other fields, or on students. In many cases, these part-time jobs are away from the applicant's specialization and not home-based. They are hectic when it comes to mandatory attendance, such as; working in restaurants, hotels, newspapers, and service offices. Do you want to balance your career and life? Check this out:

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Where Can I Find Part-time Work offers?

where to find part-time jobs?

No matter where you are in the globe, part-time work offers are available on the internet. There are many aspects of these professional offers. Although the majority of them are not based on permanent or open-term contracts, it is still recommended to get these jobs from home.

1.Data Entry Jobs:

Data entry is considered one of the flexible jobs online. You can find plenty of part-time offers from this type. Salaries are limited to your efforts in this work. They can be rated per word or hour. The most prominent kind of data entry job is typing or transcription jobs.

What is the Data Entry Jobs in India?

2. Customer Service Jobs:

Jobs that tend to operate in offices like telecommunications companies, specifically in customer service centers, are based on high communication skills. It requires you to convince customers to get specific services like taking surveys, appointments, subscribing to particular markets.

3. Tutoring :

Tutoring is considered as a perfect part-time job. If you are good at certain school subjects, you can offer online courses through tutoring platforms. You can try this on these popular platforms, Vedantu or Pearson

4. Content Writing/Blogging:

Nowadays, there is less interest in printed materials. As people look for their favorite topics online, you can get a part-time job providing them the required content. You can write about diet, health topics, traveling, and even the latest news, depending on the website’s niche. As Blogging is becoming prominent these days, Can Blogging be a Full-time job in 2020? 

5. Digital Marketing:

Buying and selling is part of every business activity. Within the age of the internet, the trend of digital marketing has enabled internet users to work from home.

6.Copy-Paste Jobs:

There are many advertising companies offering income in exchange for copying and pasting some links. There are also other assigning uploading videos and paying money for that too.

7. Translation/ Subtitling:

There are many companies as well as websites looking for translators to turn their content into another targeting language. In India, many communities don’t speak the same language. Therefore, there are many online translation opportunities, especially for those who are fluent in many languages.

8. Non–online Part-time Jobs:

non online part time jobs

There are many professions

These jobs can be in many establishments such as;

Retail jobs: there are many workers in shops and markets. Those who work in these jobs should know how to reconcile their part-time activities with other tasks.

Catering and restaurants: there are many part-time jobs in places related to catering and restaurants such as a deliveryman, waiter, and cleaners.

Call center jobs: some call centers hire students for part-time work.

These were the different part-time jobs, including their advantages and drawbacks. If you are looking for new professional opportunities, including career advice and application tips, join Fratres by uploading your CV.


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