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  • What are the Data Entry Jobs in India?

What are the Data Entry Jobs in India?

When you scroll down some professional offers, you come across these expression data entry jobs. This term is usually explained as the process of putting information into the computer. Although everything sounds simple, Fratres offers the guideline to data entry jobs in India. Let's get started!

What are the Requirements of Data Entry Jobs

Data entry is the most prominent job online that includes many tasks. People in this job are usually known as typists, transcribers, coders, clerks, etc. There are many devices required for data entry. If you want to get this job, you need to provide a keyboard, a pedal (for transcription). This job is usually similar to any clerical work. You need to be skilled in a specific field such as the medical field, legal, technical to perform electronic data processing.

data entry jobs

As companies want to archive their data, they hire typists who can turn oral content into written materials. Nowadays, there are many freelancers, specialized in data entry. This job has many benefits. Without a freelance, a company should provide a space for employees, internet power, and even expenses related to employees' transportations. Small budget companies prefer hiring freelance data entry to save space, time and money, and even catering tickets.

What are the Qualifications for This Job?

Generally, this job has no qualifications. Also, students can get a data entry job. If you are a beginner in this field, you need to get familiar with your employer's rules and instructions and arrange with him/ her the schedule of work. The payment with data entry varies depending on the content you are entering. Some offers are paying per hour or per word rate that must be accurate and correct. Others are not highly paid. The data that job seekers need to deal with can be written, or voice recorded. Check the different online qualifications, from this link:

Easy Online Jobs which Pay through Paytm

What are the Skills Required for Data Entry Jobs?


Data entry requires some training for fast typing. As you know, time is money. Your speed at data entry can define your wage. You need to provide high quality written content with no time. Many free websites can train you to improve your typing skills. Try them.

Test your Typing Skills

2.Short Cuts:

You should also master Microsoft Word and record the short forms of individual words to earn time while typing. There is a feature in this program that enables typists to insert tables, numbers, and links.

3. Flexibility with Equipment

data entry job skills

Data entry jobs are used to master equipment like a keyboard to put information, be it alphabetic or numeric, into a specific format adopted by a company. Your work is usually verified or edited by a software program or another person to check errors. Remember, errors can cause a minus to your salary, so try to pay attention to this work. For more online opportunities, read this;

What are the SEO Jobs in India?

4. Using Spreadsheets:

Spreadsheets are useful when it comes to organizing data. Many employers are looking for candidates who master spreadsheets, be it on Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Therefore, before you apply to data entry jobs, take a look at the different types of spreadsheets, and train yourself to master their tricks. You can learn the basics from here; 

Google Sheets 101: The Beginner's Guide to Online Spreadsheets

5. Being Organized:

It is essential to be organized with this kind of profession. Data entry jobs require an organizational strategy to keep folders and files safe and straight. For better work delivery, try to save your work in another folder online other than your computer. Who knows, maybe your computer stops working. That's why you need to calculate the risks and take your precautions so that you don't lose your job.

How to Apply to Data Entry Jobs:

There are many ways for home-based data entry jobs. The difference lurks in the company's operation. Some companies are targeting office jobs for business process outsourcing tasks. Others are offering micro-labor offices that offer small segments of work for a small amount of money.

Data entry jobs house different tasks, which can be transcription. Many companies test candidates before hiring them, even if they are previously trained or experienced. They send them an assignment, and according to the candidates' performance, they will decide which one to choose.

data entry services

Try specialized websites that offer transcription opportunities:


Scribie is a leading data entry platform. This website provides transcription offers. First, you need to transcribe an audio file and submit it with your application.


Indeed is also a job search platform that includes different jobs, including data entry. When you subscribe to Indeed for data entry jobs, you will automatically receive notifications related to the tasks you have applied for.


Naukri doesn't differ from indeed. This website is a job search engine that includes various keywords for your job search. Data entry job opportunities are also available in Naukri from different clients.


Fratres is a job portal that includes new job opportunities from all around the world. This website operates for both employees and job seekers and helps to match clients with their professionals. All you need to do if you are a job seeker to select your country. Upload your CV on the website. For employers, you need to sign in as a recruiter and put your job offer.

This was all about data entry jobs in India. If you have the required skills, don't hesitate to apply for data entry jobs. Check the websites mentioned in this article for well-trusted job offers.


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