What is a Back Office Job?

Many companies are client-centric and try to maximize the customer's satisfaction. The best example is Amazon, that always hires customer-service professionals. Now, what can we call administrative jobs that have no direct contact with clients? They are known as Back office jobs. In today's article Fratres will introduce you to this type of job and the ways to apply for them.

What is the Back Office?

Every company has a department composed of administration and support services. Unlike the front office, which is dedicated to sales operations and other customer-related services, back-office involves all the procedures that the clients do not see. This designation early emerged, when companies divided office work into different departments, which are known as front office, middle office, and back office.

  • Front office: related to marketing, sales and customer service, and support. For a successful customer service application, here is how to follow Customer Service Cover Letter Tips.
  • Middle office: related to risk management
  • Back office: includes administrative personnel.

Why is Back Office Jobs Important?

The role of this department is usually to maintain administrative tasks. However, back-office jobs may include a set of functions based on the company's nature. The back office is a section in the firm's building, where non-direct client service can occur. It can be a section in a bank, where accounting clerks are working without facing any client.

How Does Back Office Work?

back office jobs

Back office jobs are not evolving around a mysterious secret. It is another type of clerk job that takes a part of a company, dealing with different functions and operations. It is considered an invisible activity; back office jobs can include essential business functions, IT service, or even accounting services. All these operations depend on the functioning of a specific firm and its strategies in practicing its non- client-facing activities.

There are different job titles associated with back-office departments. These are salary-based jobs and do not directly take revenues from the clients.

Administrative Jobs:

These jobs are essential for accurate and useful operations. Administrative jobs include managers, administrators, directors, and heads of departments. All of them are considered as administrative professionals, who manage front-office personnel to pursue their work. Take a look at; Frequently Asked Administrative Assistant Interview Questions and Answers

Outsourcing Jobs:

outsourcing jobs

Some companies choose to settle elsewhere for inexpensive labor. Back-office jobs can be involved in third party businesses, as it includes many positions related to remote services such as BPO jobs. Take a look at;  What is Meant by BPO Jobs in India?

How to Apply to Back Office Jobs?

1. Consider the firm's operation:

First, you need to apply for the position that conveys your qualifications. For example, some companies require back-office employees for accounting positions. It would be best if you had the necessary degree to get this position. Other firms are requiring home based data entry clerks for their remote activities. These clerks are just assigned to transcribe or prepare reports without being involved with clients. 


Application to back-office jobs can be online or can be in the company itself by filling up a form and directly submitting your CV/ resume. Whatever method you use, you need to carefully read the job offer and provide the application's requirements. Other firms prefer adopting a more selective application technique, which includes a test. Therefore, you need to prepare for the test, which can be MCQ or a quiz.

Advantages of back-office jobs:

1.The Tendency of Providing Home-based Jobs

There are many home-based back office job positions. This feature can be exciting, as there many companies that cannot afford an official department for back-office professionals. This home-based offer can be beneficial for both companies and employees.

2.Suitable for Introverts:

Back-office jobs are known for having no direct interaction with clients. These jobs can be ideal for introverts who do not feel comfortable in dealing with customers. Even in marketing firms, the back-office staff is independent of sales agents and all the front-office staff, despite operating in a client-centric field.

3. Based on New Technologies:

A company always tries to compete with its rivals by being updated with recent technologies. That's why back-office departments hire IT professionals to provide proper technical functioning. Take a look at How To Start A Career In IT Field?

4.An Interesting Opportunity:

Every job is viewed as an exciting opportunity, mainly when it provides a good income. There are, for example, many business school graduates that were rejected in many marketing positions. Back office jobs are available for them even if they were graduates from non-target colleges. You can take a look at back-office salaries

5. A Relaxed Environment:

back office jobs advantages

No one can imagine that being isolated from roaming customers and active places can be so relaxing. Back office jobs are not hectic, according to previous professionals in the field. They are recommended for fresh graduates, provided they have the necessary degree that meets the industry.

To sum up the whole, back-office jobs are in a non-client facing department in every firm. These jobs vary from one company to another, depending on its operation. They hire business, IT, and even accounting graduates. They have many advantages and can employ home.



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