What is a Job Analysis?

We often hear about new labels associated with employment, such as a job profile, job satisfaction, a job offer, etc... Today's article will step inside the HR field to introduce you to the notion of a job analysis. If you are interested in the new ways of employment and the new labels related to the job market, join Fratres. This invitation is for both employers and potential employees. Welcome on board!

What is a Job Analysis:

A job analysis is used to analyze the gathered information related to a job as it tells from its name. This analysis targets the content of a job offer, the necessary requirements, not to mention the context in which these jobs operate. 

what is job analysis?

Why this Analysis?

This process is performed for many important reasons.

  • First, it is used to provide geographic and demographic studies to highlight the active states and places that need employment.
  • Second, it follows job market standards, about organizational leadership supported by units and Human Resources. 
  • Third, it provides solutions and ways leading to job progressions such as PIP, or career advice for helping employees to get advanced career levels.

To sum up the whole, a job analysis is a rewarding process for both employees and employers. Without this feature, an employer cannot compensate an employee without knowing the degrees of his/ her efforts. 

Impact of a Job analysis on Economy and Society:

impact of job analysis

Establishing a job analysis can bring positive changes to the economy and society. It is aimed at creating balance in granting opportunities for job seekers. For example, if all companies are based in a specific state. The majority of applicants are obliged to quit their native cities and move to this state for work. They will find themselves compelled to allocate expenses for placement and accommodation. This choice may not be lucrative for them, since the cost of living in these professionally busy cities is higher than that of the less invested. This social and economic unbalance is part of the HR concerns. Now let's see the role of job analysis in HRM. 

Job Analysis for HRM:

job analysis methods

In human resource management, a job analysis is a process for identifying the duties of a specific job. As an information provider, a job analysis is essential for a job description to list the requirements that reside within the ideal candidate. As a result, it helps employers to meet applicants with the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience. There are three job analysis methods adopted by the HR departments.

1.A job Interview:

An interview is a job analysis method. It is an occasion to help employers choose the right employees. Job analysts use this job analysis method to conduct selective questions for interviews, which can be either structured or unstructured. Take a look at What Is A Semi-Structured Interview?

  • In a structured interview, candidates are separately asked the same questions, following the same order. Interviewers record and evaluate each answer. This process remains the same. Many interviewers adopt it.
  • Unstructured interviews are the opposite. They don't follow a specific order. Interviewers use a conversation that does not include the same questions or use the same questions in a different order.

Take a look at HR Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced Candidates.


Another job analysis method is known as a questionnaire. A questionnaire invites people to fill out a form. This method is quick and cost-effective as it helps job analysts get fast results by obtaining the answers of numerous individuals at the same time. Questionnaires can take different forms, such as MCQ (multiple-choice questions), open-ended questions, multiple-choice, checklists, or all of them. Here is a sample job analysis questionnaire, try it out; HR forms

3. Observation:

Observation is a job analysis method based on observing employees in their daily performances. This watching technique helps job analysts have a close eye on the working sphere and the advancement of employment. Observation is considered the direct source of providing information. However, representation and over transparency are not accepted by the majority of employers, as they tend to:

  • Reveal the secret strategies by leaking the employee's roles and duties.
  • Affect the employee's work, as no one is comfortable to be watched all the time
  • Aggravating mistakes, as the slightest error will be highly noticed, will affect some employees' work.

job analysis method observation

After exploring the job analysis from an HR perspective, let's point out the significant impact of job analysis methods.

These methods will help in

  1. Selecting the right people for the proper position: a job analysis identifies the talented applicants, among others, through adopting one of the job analysis methods. A job interview is a prominent method.
  2. Increasing the level of job satisfaction: a job analysis can gather people with mutual benefits to work together and uplift their profits. It also can conduct reviews related to the employees' performances. 
  3. Providing well-determinant salaries and compensations: a job analysis can estimate employees' financial rewards by granting them a well-deserved payment. See How Employers Can Boost Job Satisfaction of Their Employees

This article highlights one of the concerns of the HR activities known as job analysis. We have defined this process and introduced its methods to you. If you find this article helpful, give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends.


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