What is Employment Insurance in Canada

Employment is based upon many arrangements, from specifying the tasks, the period of contact, to benefits and holidays. What should employers do for their employee’s safety? Employment insurance is one of the essential requirements to ensure better working conditions.

Employment Insurance in Canada:

employment insurance in Canada

Employment insurance is a support program secured by the Canadian government. This insurance provides income support for qualified employees, who are facing unemployment. It is also applicable for workers operating in risky jobs such as firefighting, securing agents, cave and mountain guards. The insurance program has various terms and conditions to temporarily refund unemployed employees. Being in search for employment or pursuing a development program is not always guaranteed for claiming insurance support. Canadian employment insurance program targets first employees (from both private and public sectors) and workers in top trades and self-employed people with registered insurance. Take a look at; Understand Employee Rights in Canadian Workplace

During the life cycle of any employee or worker, there are gaps and ups and downs. Any employee can face life circumstances that prevent him/ her from working the complete professional timesheets. These circumstances include, for example, pregnancy, childcare, sickness, accident at work, having a disability, etc..

Concerning workers operating in various trades and industries, the application for employment insurance benefits is related to several conditions:

-Operating in the field for at least one year before requesting the insurance.

-Paying premiums and taxes

-Being eligible to receive the income support

-Having a chronic illness or a disability

As usual, employers have many obligations towards their employees, among them, granting a pension. Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is one of the professional benefits employees should get at the end of this service. This pension is provided for employees from various sectors. To deduct a CCP, employers should apply employment insurance for employees who have the following eligibility criteria:

-Being a Canadian citizen

-Claiming the tax credits

-Having a clean criminal record

How to Claim Employment Insurance (EI)?

how to claim an EI in Canada

Employers in Canada apply for employment insurance through an online portal. This portal includes the necessary instruction to fill out a form including the employee’s details and financial information.

The Canada Employment Insurance Commission (CEIC) is tackling employment insurance requests and applications. The same commission determines and sets the application and renewing insurances and determines the annual rate of the insurance premium.

Employment insurance services provide the following:

-It allocates and specifies the insurance amount, the period of obtaining it, and the extracted taxes from the benefits.

-Delivers a clear disclaimer concerning restoring the insurance, postponing it, or studies the budgets and costs of specific emergencies to support the client's losses and injuries.

-It oversees the legal claims of certain applicants requesting an insurance bill or review.

Service Canada agents will review each employment insurance application and will respond to you in a few weeks. Employers have to cancel the old claim before applying for a new one in case of applying for new employment insurance. They should also wait around 52 weeks to get renewed insurance. In case of fraud or scam requests, the CEIC will file for legal follow-up and the applicant will get sued for misleading information.

Types of Employment Insurance Benefits:

There are many types of employment insurance support in Canada. Each one has its own requirements, benefits, and specific conditions to apply.

1. Employment Insurance Regular Benefits:

employment insurance benefits

This EI type is a standard version of income support. Canadian government grants this type when an employee loses his/ her current job under the current circumstances, complete lockdown, pandemic disease, etc.

2. Sickness/ Accident Employment Insurance Benefits:

When an employee falls sick or meets with an accident, and requires time for recovery. He/ she can claim sickness employment benefits.

3. Employment Insurance Maternity/Paternity Benefits:

Employees expecting a new family number can get a paternity/ maternity leave with employment benefits. The same applies to parents with a critically ill child and require leave to pursue the child recovery

4. Employment Insurance Developmental Program Benefits:

If employees are not competent enough for the job and require a developmental program to reach the expected level, employers can grant them employment benefits during the training period.

5.Employment Insurance Fishing Benefits:

Fishers can apply for EI provided that they meet the eligibility criteria set by the Canadian government.

Since employment insurance benefits include five categories, each one has its own eligibility criteria and online portal to apply for insurance benefits.

From a general perspective, employers request employment insurance for pensionable employees. This claim varies depending on the certain situation:


Employers can deactivate the employment insurance in case of an employee’s departure or dismissal. Take a look at How Do Employers Discipline, a Difficult Employee at Work?

2. Career change/ promotions:

When employees elevate in career, the number of benefits, perks, and professional advantages change depending on the obtained new position. Here is How to Get a Promotion in Canada?

3.Professional accidents:

 When employees or workers get injured at the workplace, the employment insurance should cover all the damage and the accident’s treatment.

4. Natural Disasters:

Canadian weather is known to be agitating due to tornadoes. Employment Insurances are also covering the damages caused by any natural disaster and contribute to:

  • Rebuilding destroyed workplaces.
  • Re-establishing missing and dysfunctional tools and equipment.
  • Collaborating with social aid organizations to offer the best healthcare system for victims.

These were the various employment insurances in Canada. Employment insurances are provided by a governmental program to grant income support under some specific conditions. Only employees, workers, self-employed professionals can benefit from one type of this income support. The insurance is temporary, and applicants should have what proves loss, damage, inability to pursue professional activities.



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