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What is Meant by BPO Jobs in India?

Have you ever heard about BPO? BPO refers to Business Process Outsourcing. As it may tell from its name, it is a set of business and technology, which is related to the IT industry. As BPO has become the destiny of many job seekers in India, Fratres will show how BPO works, and how to apply for it. Let’s get started.

What Is the Purpose of BPO?

what is BPO

It is a branch for outsourcing and consulting. Once you work there, you need to submit work to another group or transfer it to another company, which is located out of India. BPO is not a local investment. It is usually related to an overseas project. Foreign companies for outsourcing a business process are referred to as BPO. They pay local companies fees for the management. BPO companies can be categorized as an independent industry like retail, food/beverage, manufacturing, etc.


The interests of BPO companies are:

Saving Money & Time:

Of course, many investors want to launch a project with economical expenses. They will look for a place where hand labor and materials cost less than the native country. By outsourcing a business process elsewhere, it will enable them to save time and costs. For example, multinational companies; When you perceive international brands in the market manufactured in your country, this is already a sign that the original company has allowed another company to take over the responsibilities of their business.

Providing Multinational Services:

outsourcing a business process has introduced an open market for getting the same service wherever you are in the world. BPO projects attempt to offer the same quality of work as they aim to reach an international level. Take the example of Pepsi & Coca Cola and what makes them very popular all over the world.

Being Close to the User/ Consumer:

Customer Service & Telesales are prevalent projects in PBO. There are also many call centers based in India for international business projects.

Data entry and Data processing

Chat support to answer customer queries

What are the Types of BPO?

There are two types of BPO.

  • Back office outsourcing:  the tasks are offsite and are based on dealing with customer care, data processing, finance, or any other technical support. It is a non-voice based BPO category.
  • Front office outsourcing: The type of this task is to provide customer-related services then contact professionals in the central services and inquiries. This one is a voice-based BPO category.

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Qualification required for BPO jobs

  • For voice-based BPO jobs, qualifications can be just reaching the Intermediate or above, for a nontechnical job.
  • Excellent communication skills with fluency in English and knowing the computer or the target service.
  • Computing skills, the ability to use the internet, ability to send and receive emails, speed typing, experience in M.S.Office.
  • Right attitude when taking calls and replying to queries, interpersonal skills, and being a good listener.
  • For a technical non-voice based BPO job, some companies demand B.Tech or B.Com Degrees, as the candidate is supposed to deal with matters like finance, accounting, sales, and human resources.

How to Apply to BPO jobs?

How to apply for bpo

There are many ways to apply for this category. First, make a proper internet search for the type of BPO work, be it related to technical support, finance, accounting, or any job title. Apply online. Then, send a resume, including your objective career statement.

Look for jobs that are filled with facilities, quick promotions, and an attractive salary package. Choose the BPO industry that is based on a positive business project with safe work procedures. Engage with professionals from various sectors such as logistics, health care, retail, finance, and engineering.

Why Is Outsourcing the Best Career for You?

Business processing outsourcing is an excellent alternative to experience high-level work for foreign multinational projects. This field has many advantages:

-Making acquainted with technologies elsewhere.

-Enlarging your know-how side.

-Meeting exciting opportunities, especially for a nontechnical person to be interested in the tech industry. For more information, read this; Why BPO as a Career?


BPO is a smart investment to get cost-effective work provided by experts. To sum up the whole, this article defines and introduces the BPO industry, the different qualifications required to join them, and the way to apply for BPO job opportunities. If you find this article interesting, give it a thumbs up and share it with friends.

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