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  • What Will Graduates Be Like In The Next 50 Years?

What Will Graduates Be Like In The Next 50 Years?

Anyone with a LinkedIn account has a professional profile that attracts companies and organizations. Graduates, freelancers and even employees have an online presence in local and international platforms. Talking about the future generation and the fate of some professions is always subject of debate. The tension between Ukraine and Russia will certainly affect the neighboring countries, including Moldova. What would be the fate of graduates in the upcoming 50 years?

Moldovan Graduates:

education in Moldova

Every country has its own education system that prepares the upcoming workforce and specialists. Choosing the right college discipline can help you figure out what would be the best job for you. By the coming of 2022, many graduates are uncertain about the professional environment. Within the growing number of projects and the needs of the populations people are puzzled about what to pursue as a career. Graduates are looking for a field in which they can practice their education and learn practical skills. No matter the chosen field, graduates have to be up-to-date with the changes of the job market. Professional requirements might not be the same at every time and place. But, the majority of sectors are looking for new talents, new skills, "diversity" at all costs. That's why, various fields have shifted from classic ideas and standardized ideals to develop its sources and meet competitors. If you are a recent graduate and you are interested in how to think outside the box, sign up to Fratres. Fratres is a job portal that gathers professional updates from wherever you are in the world.

1.Innovate for the World of Tomorrow.

As the world is in constant change, you need to follow the trends of technology, business, and global news so that you have a general understanding of the leading industries. Success never comes alone. These demands for originality meet its adequate supply. The famous "generation Y" is more concerned with values ​​than linear career progression, money and social status. A generation made up of curiosity, flexibility and high standards, preferring to settle in a big investment rather than securing a stable job in the public sector. Since entering public jobs is tough in Moldova, the future will not be different from the current crisis. However, the good news is that employment there is still providing permanent contracts, pay raises, and various professional advantages. Take a look at; Education in Moldova

2. Renew your Skills:

developing new skills

When you graduate from a specific major, you are supposed to be a specialist in a certain field. nowadays with the possibility of self-education, a graduate has more than a single career path. Moldova is on the way to encourage self-educated applicants to join its job market. The aim is not to promote the education services of any institution, it is rather to organize workshops, education platforms and apprenticeships that keep you meeting the changes. If you are doubtful about the validity of the current degree, you can join a small vocational training program that will teach you the necessary skills for the target job. Constant training is also oriented towards employed categories to prepare the professional staff for further tasks and innovations.

3. The Issue of Overqualification will be Solved:

Although in the professional world work experience is favored over a degree, in the upcoming years, qualifications will be integral within the professional progression. The academic field will restore its importance to meet professional horizons. Various academies will open to students the possibility of recruitment and competition to reach managerial positions at an early age. The European Union including Moldova is over-passing the stereotypical image of a school in narrow recruitment and classic intellectual routine. You may also read; Why students in Moldova are performing better

4. The Provision of New Professional Hierarchies:

According to the changing job market in Moldova, the classic models of career progression such as internships, administrative competitions, civil service are no longer part of the professional progression. For the future, graduates should be equipped to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of an unstable and changing world. You had to go abroad, develop an interesting CV in different sectors, get involved in various associative and cultural projects. Through this journey, you can develop Senior skills that will help you land on a better job.

5. Artificial Intelligence:

Moldova has reached an impressive level in technical advancement. Despite its conservatism, the Moldovan government has proudly announced its intention to diversify its recruitment, to encourage originality and variety of background among candidates. With such a blank check, a whole generation could set out to conquer the West! With a successful training in IT, cyber security, and informatics, Moldova is preparing a generation of applicants very skilled in top in-demand technical knowledge. It is also planning to compete with international markets overseas. Take a look at; Information Campaign in Moldova Targets Students

6.The Rise of the Private Sector:

rise of the private sector

Future predictions related to the global job market are in favor of the private sector, which will be more expanded across Europe. Various foreign specialties will settle their business in Moldova such as Asian clinical care, agricultural projects of exotic fruits and veterinary care. There will also be projects encouraging tourism and travel across Moldova. The private sector will help various nationalities to develop their start-ups. By this year, various projects in Moldova are based on outsourcing for foreign companies, lobbying, consulting, energy, film production. Recent graduates should follow the global needs of the population and relate them to the chosen major. Take a look at; 5 Cover Letter Tips That Will Actually Make Your Life Better.

7. Less Limited Profiles:

In the upcoming years, employment will not limit to degrees. There will be more focus on selling talents and skills. Little by little, there is no place on the current market for generalist, analytical profiles. There will be rather more interest in specialists with additional technical skills or clearly defined career plans such as an economist, a pharmacist, a biologist, etc…

These were the 7 predictions waiting for the new generation of candidates. Applicants should choose a major that meets the future prospects of the country. Moreover, it is essential to submit candidacies at the recruiting firms and administrations, to contribute to the annual statistics of graduates.


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