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  • Why Do Students Still Prefer College Degree over an Apprenticeship?

Why Do Students Still Prefer College Degree over an Apprenticeship?

When it comes to thinking of picking a route after high school, the very first option that comes into the mind of a student is a college degree. However, as many universities and colleges are affiliated with apprentice programs, students also consider this training program. 

apprenticeship vs college degree

There are both negative and positive aspects related to both options. Before you opt for any of them, you must know what exactly they are. Once you see both sides of a coin, picking the best one won’t be that hard.

College Degree - The First Choice of Every Student

There is a social stigma and pressure involved with a college degree. Students who don’t have a degree, consider it as a failure of their lives. They think that they are somehow below or low-level than those who have one.

Saving is Required

Therefore, they enroll for a college degree, though many skip it later when expense goes out of their hand. It’s not easy to afford a college degree unless you and your parents have a designated fund or savings.

Students Get Loan

What if you can’t afford a college degree? A simple solution to this problem is getting a student loan, which is a common practice. You get a loan and then pay it back once you have a job. But college debt grows over the years, and you feel like living your life under a burden.

What if you don’t want to burden your life with a student loan? In that case, you can start looking for jobs that you can do with a high school degree. Another best option to excel in your career is to join an apprenticeship program in the USA. Interested in Fashion? Opt for Fashion Apprenticeship programs

A Walk of Confidence

The plus side of a college degree is that you get all the social esteem and acceptance that you wanted to walk with confidence in society. You don’t have a deep-down feeling that you are a failure and unable to attain a degree.Who qualifies for apprenticeship?

difference between apprenticeship and university program

Getting White Collar Jobs

Many white-collar jobs require a college degree; you can’t apply for them unless you have a degree in your hand. Some  white collar jobs require no experience, while others demand you to do an internship or gain some work-life experience in a formal setting.


For most people, getting a college degree is associated with career security. Get a degree and apply for your dream job; it’s what everyone’s end goal is.

Why are People in the USA Less Interested in the Apprenticeship Program?

Although the apprenticeship model is scaling up in the USA, only a handful of students are considering those programs. There are many reasons due to which they are not going for this program.Best Non-Profit Organizations to Work for in USA

Parents have Some Concerns.

College-degree holder parents want the same for their children. They support apprenticeship and like it when other children have it, but it’s not on their priority list. You can say that there are some double-standards where parents like an apprenticeship for others but not for their kids.

No Idea What is Apprenticeship

The concept of apprenticeship, internship, and mentorship is still unclear among people. They don’t know what benefits will come alongside them. Many parents are unaware about the opportunities of apprenticeship.

No Age Limit

Many apprenticeship programs have no age-limits. On average, an apprentice is 28 years old. This age factor pushes many young students to look the other way.

Lack of Awareness

Although tons of apprenticeship options are available, only a few people enroll in them because they are not fully aware of it. There is a need to launch some awareness programs. People must know what they can get from these programs in the end.

Economic Mobility

As apprentices can quickly move from one state to another easily, employers are hesitant to invest their time and money into such programs for the employee, who might settle elsewhere.

Time Changes Everything

The IT world is changing at a fast pace. Some apprentices learn to handle some IT products and systems, but later these products become obsolete. This is another reason due to which people are less interested in tech apprenticeship programs.

Limited Training Programs

There are only a few sectors that are locked with training programs such as construction, health care, tech, administration, manufacturing, and military. As students are not getting diverse training courses, they feel less interested in those programs.

What Should Students Need to Understand?

No doubt, a college degree is a significant investment, but it locks you into debt. You can enjoy debt-free education and training when you enroll in an apprenticeship program. You start earning from the very first day; there is no need to wait for four years. Sometimes, you have the degree but not the skills and training that let you make your mark in your career path. So, get the education and training side by side from an apprenticeship program.

Wrap up

In short, students prefer a college degree as it offers them better future security. But there is a need to understand all the benefits of an apprenticeship. At one point, employers should know what perks they can get from those programs. At other points, students should understand that they can develop a better career with an apprenticeship.


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