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  • 20 Most Inspirational Graduation Quotes Collection is Worth Sharing

20 Most Inspirational Graduation Quotes Collection is Worth Sharing

Are you searching for some inspirational Graduation Quotes? You might want to note them on a graduation card or have an intention to cheer up your friend with a funny quote.No matter what you intend to do with it, and I'm going to share my collection with you.

One thing I know about my collection of quotes for graduation is that it is worth sharing.So, if you like it, then don't forget to share it with your buddies.

1. "Graduation is not the end; it is the beginning."

I couldn't agree more, and once your graduation period is over, then you will have to start working on your career. Learn to choose a career.

2. "It is not the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves" - William Shakespeare

Every word of Shakespeare inspires a soul. Don't opt for an online tarot reading and look at your hands or up in the sky. Try to make your destiny.

3. "All our dreams can come true….if we have the courage to pursue them"-- Walt Disney

After holding a graduation degree, it's time to start finding and applying for a dream job. We can make our dreams come true. All we need is dedication.

4. "She Believed 

She Could

So She Did - R.S. Grey"

Believing in yourself and your career goal is undoubtedly the first step that takes you toward success in your life. It's one of the most inspirational graduation quotes for women.

5. "Graduation is only a concept. In real life every day you graduate. Graduation is the process that goes on until the last day of your life.If you can grasp that, you can make the difference." -Arie Pancovici 

This graduation quote has a profound message. You never stop learning in your life, even when you say bye to a university or school. Your real life has lots of lessons for you. 

6. "Don't Take Life Too Seriously,

No one Makes it out Alive."

Once a person gets his graduation degree, a lot of thoughts come into his mind. He starts wondering what will happen next, whether he can do what he wants to. Will his dream for life come true? 

So, when you have such a friend, then do share this funny graduation quote with him. It will make him smile and allow him to take it easy in the working world.

7. You are off to great places!

Today is your Day!

Your mountain is Waiting.

So.. Get on Your Way. -Dr. Suess

Just in case you don't know what to write in a congratulation letter, then this graduation quote is something that would motivate other people to do better.

8. "Do not let what you can't do Interfere

With what you can do "--- John Wooden

In my personal opinion, big things start happening in your life when you transform you can't do what you can do. You have left your school but still you have a lot to learn. Education won't tell you everything you need to

One of my favorite Inspirational graduation quotes is

10. And Suddenly you know… it's time to start something new

And trust the magic of beginnings."

The reason this quote inspires me a lot is that in my life, there were some phases where I felt that everything had been over for me. I lost it all. But then I started over. I chose an education degree that I couldn't pursue due to the financial problem I faced.

I wanted to become a doctor, and today, I'm an aspiring writer. I was afraid like you guys when I was changing my subjects and taking entry into the career. However, every time I started something new, I enjoyed it later. 

So, take a deep breath and believe in yourself. Let' the magic of new beginning spellbound you.

One of the famous graduation quotes of Ralph Waldo Emerson is:

11. "Do not follow 

Where the path may lead.

Go, instead, where there is no path.

And leave a trail."

Many of us believe that our fate has decided, and we will go to where we will have to. It's good thinking, but it won't let you do anything unusual. Why don't you take a bit of control of your path and pick a way you want to follow? 

Many people don't follow their hearts when it comes to picking a career and later than used to say, "I Hate my job what to do now" So, don't follow others, do what you like the most.

12. "I can't wait to hear your name

Horribly mispronounced

At the graduation ceremony."

It is among the funniest High School Graduation Quotes. Believe me or not, I always hate it when my teachers added an extra e in my name. It doesn't sound right. So, on my graduation day, I had a fear in front of the whole school. I might have to experience the same. Can you relate to this?

13. "Always Believe

You are BRAVER than you believe,

STRONGER than you Seem, 

SMARTER than you think, and 

Loved more than you Know."

Once you get a job, then it's when you start thinking that you might not be as smart as your colleague is, or you are not as lovely or friendly as your coworker is. At that time, you need to remember this inspirational graduation quote. 

If any of your friends are losing self-esteem at work, then you can ask him to read how to increase self-esteem at work and also share this quote to him. He will feel better and do better.

14." The best helping hand you will ever receive is the one at the end of your own arm" - Fred Dehner

It means you need to rely only on your own skills, your own mind and your own decisions in your practical field. Don't look at someone else; don't wait for a supporting hand.No one is going to offer you that.

15." Good Things Come to Those Who wait, 

Greater things come to those who get off their ass 

And do anything to make it happen."

It happens with many people that they are looking for something in a job. They want to get a job on their terms. In the real world, you can't always get what you want or desire unless you get up and do something about it.

In simple words, if an excellent opportunity knocks at your door, don't let it go for a dream job you are seeking. Start with a good one and then do anything in your power to land at your dream job.

16. "The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create it" - Abraham Lincoln

I admire Lincoln a lot, so I decided to bring some quotes for graduation from this legend. Well, the message here is pretty simple; you can easily predict your future by creating it and going on a path where you want your future to be.

17. "To Move Forward One must take the First Step."

You can't just spend all your time searching for the best jobs. You will have to take the first step toward your career after graduation. And that first step is to get hired for a job.

18. "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,

But anyone can start today and make a new ending." - Maria Robinson

Don't leave in your past; it's over. You can't go back and start it all over. So, what you will have to do is to move forward, start something new and then get a new ending you think you deserve.

19. "You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself in any 

direction you choose." - Dr.Seuss

It is one of the most inspirational college graduation quotes. When you lose faith in yourself and feel lost with no sense of career direction, then it's what you need to recall.

20. "To Accomplish great things,

We must not only act,

But also dream,

Not only dream,

But also believe." - Anatole France


I shared some famous quotes for graduation with you. Now it's your choice to either share them with someone who is going to graduate anytime soon or write in on a graduation card to send your best wishes to a person who is taking steps toward his career.

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