How to Find a Job in Lebanon?

One of the biggest challenges in Lebanon is getting a job. In a country with an increased unemployment rate, very competitive job market, and tough economic conditions, it becomes hard to get a job from the very first application. Despite these hinders, salaries are very motivating and competitive in Lebanon. Here is an article revealing the quickest way of finding a job in Lebanon:

Employment in Lebanon:

employment in lebanon

After the pandemic disease and the Beirut explosion, Lebanon is entering a rebuild phase. It is a stage where the country is making a new start to fix the economic crisis. To save the country from a complete bankruptcy, the Lebanese government is encouraging self-employment and privatization, as it no longer has the sources to recruit applicants in the public sector. It is encouraging local or foreign investment to create an employment capacity. Public jobs are very selective, where some professional sectors are granting employment through competitive exams. As the majority of candidates cannot totally rely on the freelancing sector, they turn towards jobs in the private sector. That’s why it is essential to set a strategic job search to find a better job in Lebanon. Fratres will show you the best ways to get hired faster in a well settled job. Let’s get started.

1.Decide your Career:

It is hard sometimes to find a suitable career in Lebanon. The majority of employees/ workers are occupied in non relevant fields. There are some economic obligations pushing graduates to join manual labor. But, this situation doesn’t prevent you from deciding your career and assessing your abilities and skills. Choose a job that helps you develop your skills and enrich your CV. Do not go for jobs that are totally far from the field, as you risk losing your hard skills and knowledge. Here are Top 10 Most Popular Careers for Lebanese People

2. Conduct research:

While making your professional wish list, you need to gather information about each job, each work environment and policies or culture. By having hints about the various professional requirements, you can be more prepared for the job tasks and arrange better with your potential recruiter.

3. Build a CV/ resume:

 It is essential to make a CV or a resume to apply for some job openings. Do not rely on a single document in every application. You should rather update your CV for each application. Write a new profile or a new career objective statement to look relevant to the suggested position.  Tailor your CV/ resume in reference to the job you are planning to apply for.

4. Write a Cover Letter:

A successful job application requires a written cover letter. This task is not very hard to take. A cover letter is composed of three paragraphs. It includes your interest in a specific job, your ability to meet the requirements and do the tasks,and your determination to get the job.

5.Try Job Search Websites:

In this current world, looking for a job is no longer confined to newspapers. There are countless job search engines that post countless job offers on a daily basis. To keep abreast with the latest updates, create a Gmail account. Subscribe to the most relevant job search engines. If you are a new job seeker, here are the best job search engines with reliable career sources:

  • Fratres: Fratres is a worldwide job portal. Sign up to Fratres, select your country. By doing so, you can find jobs listed per location. This website is amazing for finding the nearest job possible.
  • this is an Arabic website for job advertisements. includes an easy application process and includes the number of open vacancies.
  • Although the majority of offers are based in gulf countries, this website is also open for Arab countries and accessible to Lebanese freelancers.
  • This is an Egyptian job search engine, with competitive job offers for freelancers. It usually posts small-term projects and pays for each project.
  • This is the most popular website that posts job offers on a daily basis. Indeed includes information about the workplace and ways to contact the job owner.

You may also read; Explore all about Remote Jobs in Lebanon

6. Networking:

Many jobs require being known rather than being qualified. Networking is an important step to recommend or reference for a job offer. You can build your professional network during your internship and not only your first work experience. Remember that some jobs require referencing from previous employees or project owners.

7. Develop New skills:

develop new skills

Whether you are a fresh graduate or an applicant coming from a career gap, you need to work on your skills. Degrees may not be the essential requirement in getting a job in sales, customer-service field, or telecommunication. Skills on the other hand are more important to show you adaptability to the job requirements.

8. Prepare for your Upcoming Job Interview:

Getting a job goes through a specific selective process. If you have applied for a job where many candidates with similar patterns have applied, you should expect a job interview. This meeting will help employers decide about the final candidate. So, try to prepare the most common interview question to answer in a confident way during the meeting.

9. Prepare for Tests and Quizzes:

 In some fields, you may be invited to submit a quick test. Try to test your knowledge and refresh your skills. Read the questions carefully before giving the final answer. Don’t compare your answers with the rest of the candidates to avoid the sense of confusion and self-blame.

10. Follow up:

apply for a new job

After completing your interview, wait for a couple of days and send a follow-up email to your recruiter. This follow-up will give you a pre sentiment whether you will be finally selected for the job or you need to consider a new application. Do not over insist on recruiting you in the follow up email. The aim here is to remind recruiters of your meeting and application.

These were the top 10 tips to find a job in Lebanon. Please follow these guidelines and follow what it relates to the work environment. Your knowledge of the corporate culture and your research will help you better land on a job.   


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