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What are Challenges for Jobseekers in Pakistan

One of the biggest problems faced by many countries is unemployment and lack of job opportunities. I know this sounds depressing, but we need to talk about the challenges that every job seeker might encounter during a job search. You have probably noticed that many universities and institute graduates in certain regions are struggling to obtain work. This might also discourage you from fulfilling your academic journey. To overcome this negativity, Fratres has provided for your articles for professional motivation. You need to read them and share them so that you can save others from tremendous problems. Let's get started.

Why is Finding Your Dream Job so Difficult in Pakistan?

job search challenges

We all have a wish list of dream jobs in our minds. But sometimes we get hit by the surprising reality that these jobs are out of reach and even tricky. Now let's put check out what makes your dream job difficult?

1.   You don't have the required qualifications:

Yes, yes, yes. When we say that you don't have the required skills, it doesn't mean that you don't deserve getting this job. It instead means that you are lacking too much expertise to get hired. Or maybe your qualifications don't match the job descriptions. Many job seekers don't realize this point and think that they are purposely excluded. The truth is not the case. Applicants might see themselves as the perfect candidate but they are far from the required profiles.

2.   Choosing the wrong academic path:

Many applicants don't get a job related to their educational specialization. As Graduates become depressed, especially when they see around them young people suffering from unemployment. But it's hard for them to realize that some job vacancies are removed from the job market, or the nature of their studies and qualifications do not match today's professional demands. For more tips, read this article;

How to Find Your Dream Job in 2020

3.   Your family and your close atmosphere do not approve your dream job:

Certain people, especially women, do not get motivation and approval for getting their dream jobs. That's why they keep without a job, and sometimes they abandon their ambitions. If you want to know how hard for a woman to get a job, read this article:

10 Problems Faced by Working Women in Pakistan

These were the 3 basic rejections that every job seeker might face. There are many reasons leading to the lack of employment. Now, let's see the top 5 challenging obstacles leading to these negative consequences.

1.   The Job Industry:

the job industry

The size of the market and the number of vacancies is not proportional to the size of graduates. Many disciplines don't operate in the modern industry, such as a degree in humanities, philosophy, art, and history. Although teaching institutions are hiring these graduates, however, at the present moment, there are no available vacancies in these specialties, which lead to severe chances of employment. Even foreign universities require experience. Therefore, migration towards other countries can be hard in this case.

2.   Lack of Experience in the Field:

Experience is number one in the eyes of many hiring managers. If you don't have it, you won't be counted as a candidate. Of course, many of you would find difficulties in getting job experience, especially those who are trying their chance for the first time. Internship and apprenticeship can be equivalent to job experience. Also, a volunteering experience can also save you from unemployment.

What to Say when Applying for a Job with No Experience in Your Cover letter?

3.    Lack of Knowledge in The Technical Field:

If you think that your academic specialty doesn't require technical knowledge or skills, you are entirely wrong. Many parents also believe that to make their kids doctors, and there's no need to make them skilled in technology. This idea leads to unemployment. Even if your field is entirely far from the professional industry, you don't have to exclude these skills from your life. Why? Because the new employment disciplines are related to technological development. That is, a perfect marketer is an active computer user. Even an ideal writer, you know, writing is not a technical field, but nowadays it is! Nowadays a perfect writer is very skilled in SEO and this is what contributes to success.

4.   Negativity:

Don't link what is happening with you to others. Avoid negative thoughts that charge you with negative feelings. For example, you get frustrated when you hear the news that a Ph.D. graduate is not getting a job. You might think that if this highly qualified person is not hired, what would be my fate, while I am not at the same level?? Never feel like this. Every case is a different case. You can find people who are less qualified and work. It's not a question of corruption, nepotism, or luck.

5.   Wrong Job Search Strategies:

job search strategies

 As there is no room for coincidence, the process of searching for a job requires specific rules. This research won't be successful if you don't set your plans and strategies. If you are new to the labor market, you need to craft a professional CV or resume. Then, it would be best if you established your professional network. Networking is a positive step to get hired. If not, it helps you build your own business and motivates you to reach experienced colleagues. For more networking tips, read this;

Follow Networking Tips and Techniques for Job Seekers


These were the most significant job search challenges that every job seeker encounters. If you have been through one of them or you have a different story. Tell us about your experience in the comments sections. Have a beautiful day.

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