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Why am I not Getting a Job? Know 5 Reasons

You apply for a job, go for an interview, and wait for a job offer. Time passes, and you don't get any job offers. 

You apply again, and even go to a second-round interview but no success so far. It's frustrating.

You keep hope high and apply again. But this loop goes on and on. It's the point where you start wondering why I am not getting a job. 

I cleared the interview.

Interviewer called me for a second-round screening but still no good news.

If that's what you are wondering about, here are some common reasons behind it. Let's find out.


1.You are not a Team-Player

Some people are introverts, they are good at work on some stuff when nobody is around. During an interview, you may have showcased your best skills and expertise but you failed to show yourself as a teamplayer. 

team player for job

Organizations are hunting the best team-player. They want someone who can blend beautifully in the workplace and add values in the life of everyone around. So, if you don't fit the profile, they probably won't make a job offer.

To deal with this issue, you should present yourself as a teamplayer. When they ask questions regarding other managers and colleagues, try to read between lines. Get an idea of what they want to know and then answer accordingly.

2.You Don't prepare Well for an Interview

It's good to be a confident person. The real problem begins when you become an overconfident person. You think that you can handle it all and spend little or no time in interview preparation.

You shouldn't make this common mistake. Before the interview, you have plenty of time that you can invest to research about the company and get some details that would help you demonstrate yourself better. 

Keep an eye on social media, and try to understand the culture of a company. The main idea here is to know what a company is good at and then use all the information you gathered in an interview question.

Interviewer will ask 'Why do you want to join this company?' It is a place where you will quote some specific information regarding the company. If you give a general answer, the interviewer will assume that you don't care much to prepare for the interview.

3.You Don't Have Experience

Many applicants fail to get a job offer when they don't have experience for a specific job. You might be on the first step of your career change move or think that experience of your previous job is good enough for a new one. Well, it's not the case. Read all about volunteer experience benefits.

experience for job

You must have experience for the job to get attention from your interviewer. Having no experience means getting zero preference from the recruiter. They will always prefer an experienced one from inexperienced one.

If you didn't get a job offer, it might be due to some experience issue. 

4.You didn't Show Good Interest

If you want to land on a job, you should put a good show of your interest in front of a recruiter. In case you fail to demonstrate any passion for a new job, it's more likely you won't get any job offer.

It's okay to stay calm during an interview. However, when it comes to answering some job related questions, you need to invest all the energy on this matter. Tell them how excited you are to work on a job role. 

No excitement or no interest from your side is the major reason you don't get a job offer.

5.Your Resume Wasn't Amazing

In this dynamic world, you have to try a variety of things to get attention from your employer. Many times, you keep applying for different job roles but don't get any response. It's the time when you should look into your CV and resume. They may need due attention.

If you are applying for a fashion magazine, consider making a creative resume. It will increase your chances of getting hired as you can turn a simple Cv into a job-winning resume.

Another most important thing to refine during a job application is your cover letter. This letter should tell your story and you better do it right. If you don't compose a great letter and don't use keywords in it, your chance of getting a job offer becomes slim.


Wrap Up

Here are some common reasons that make it clear for you why you are not getting a job. The first step of getting a job is to create the best resume and write a job-oriented letter. If you do this first thing right then the next step becomes simple. Getting an interview call is good news of course but please spend some time and do research about the company so you can ace a job interview well.


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